Jaspal Soni We are very happy to announce the long-awaited publication of our first book, You Are Kalki: Avatar to the Rescue! by Jaspal Soni and Lois Drake. In the East, there is much interest about Kalki — the 10th and final incarnation of Vishnu, the second personage of the Hindu Trinity, who has been […]Read More
Human life is much beyond this physical existence on earth. We all know that. Right! If existential questions bother you, and you have your eye on things beyond this realm, go through this vertical, and you will be surprised to realise the in-depth knowledge our write-ups offer. Still have more questions? Write to us at [email protected], or click here to connect.
What is Violet Flame? Violet Flame, lau, fire or light is a powerful spiritual energy that can clear energy blocks within our bodies. It is a new alchemical science that has miraculous healing qualities for mind, body and soul. The Violet Flame mantras can be used by people of any religion without having to change […]Read More
To realise the power of an individual body, mind and soul, energy healer and Womb Stories’ founder Richa Jindal conducted a three-day residential workshop on healing techniques. Held at Lutyens Resort, New Delhi, the workshop provided an insight to the different energy frequency of an individual, understanding the dynamic working of karma followed by meditation […]Read More
Team L&M Saumya was studying to be an artist. She wanted to be one since her childhood. Paints and colours always attracted her. But her parents were not happy about her decision. Though they got her admitted to an art college, they had made their disagreement well known to her. Not exactly their fault, though. […]Read More
Sadhguru A few years ago, I took a small group of people on a trek on a railway track between Subramanya and Mangalore in Karnataka. This stretch has over 300 bridges and 100 tunnels. You are practically either on a bridge or in a tunnel most of the time and it is an absolutely wonderful […]Read More
Sadhguru In a small town, there was an old house which was reputed to be the residence of a demon. Nobody even dared to enter the house. One day, a brave man announced that he is going to spend a whole night in this house. In the evening, he went into the house to stay […]Read More
Sadhguru The moment man became religious, it should have been the end of all conflict. Unfortunately, religion has become the main source of conflict everywhere in the world. It has taken the maximum number of lives and caused the maximum amount of pain on the planet for thousands of years. This is because a religion […]Read More
Sadhguru The human muscular system is a phenomenal thing. What our muscles can do is fantastic. And this can be enhanced by strengthening them, but at the same time making them very flexible. If you do a lot of weights, your muscles will look big but without flexibility. If you see people who have grown […]Read More
Yogi Ashwini In the act of breathing, a lot of energy is produced by the cells. Vedas say and modern science agrees that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The opposite of energy in this case being generation of toxins in the body. These toxins are termed as ama in Sanskrit. They gradually corrode the cells […]Read More
Sadhguru Unfortunately, as most human beings have not found any sense of deep fulfillment within themselves, they are constantly hankering for dominance. When power becomes a means to dominate, it becomes ugly. But we need to understand that it is not just political or economic, there are various ways to be powerful – throughlove and […]Read More