Jaspal Soni The threefold flame is the “divine spark” anchored in the secret chamber of the heart called Ananda-Khanda in Sanskrit or the root of joy. The threefold flame is literally a spark of sacred fire from God’s own heart, termed as Jyoti or Parkash in Hindi, which sustains the physical life. It is your […]Read More
Human life is much beyond this physical existence on earth. We all know that. Right! If existential questions bother you, and you have your eye on things beyond this realm, go through this vertical, and you will be surprised to realise the in-depth knowledge our write-ups offer. Still have more questions? Write to us at [email protected], or click here to connect.
Jaspal Soni The chart here shows three figures: (1) the upper figure, (2) the middle figure, and (3) the lower figure. The profile of the combined three figures is called Brahman or Ahm Brahamasmi. It is also called the I AM Presence or the Omni Presence of God individualised in each one. What it […]Read More
Jaspal Soni What is a decree? A decree is a powerful affirmation that accesses the power of God within you. It is usually spoken aloud and repeated to amplify its power. And it works! We have been reminded by the ascended masters that the call compels the answer. The Science of the Spoken Word is […]Read More
Dr Priya Kaul People across the world face a number of changes and disturbances with most of them being weird and ones that remain unexplained. These have direct effect on health and physical symptoms which make people wonder — what is happening in my life? There have been numerous speculations of what is happening around […]Read More
Jaspal Soni The chart above shows three figures: (1) the upper figure (2) the middle figure and (3) the lower figure. The upper figure is called Paramatma or Guru or Waheguru. It is also called the I AM Presence or the omni-presence of god in everyone. This presence of god is individualised in each one […]Read More
India to get an iconic structure paralleling the world’s most recognised structures To mark the 75th anniversary of the organisation, Heartfulness Institute is all set to inaugurate the world’s largest meditation centre of its kind at its global headquarters at Kanha Shantivanam in Hyderabad. This centre will be inaugurated on January 28, 2020 in presence […]Read More
Jaspal Soni (1) Free lessons about Sanat Kumar to learn about your spiritual heritage! Sanat Kumar is mentioned in several religious traditions of the East and West. He is revered in Hinduism as one of the four or seven sons of Brahma. Some of his known embodiments include Kartikeya, Ancient of Days, Skanda, Murugan, Sarvana, […]Read More
Dr Priya Kaul Have you ever wondered, how we connect with people around us? What is it that makes our connections strong with a few and relatively lesser with others? The answer is Etheric Cords. Etheric Cords are energy structures present in each one of us. These cords help connect people through their chakras, auras […]Read More
Your spiritual journey hinges on the answers to four Very Important Questions Who Am I? You are a child of god. You are an evolving soul (jeev-atma) with your own Higher-Self (Atma) and I AM Presence (Paramatma or Brahm or Om) which has many different names in the religions of the world. You have the […]Read More
The ascended masters are sons and daughters of God who have realised themselves as joint heirs of divine consciousness. These saints and sages from both East and West exist in the living Spirit of God that ministers to God’s children on earth. The ascended masters know what challenges we face as we journey upward on […]Read More