Tags : books


Chilling and thrilling spy stories

Rajkumari Sharma Tankha The book, The Zero Cost Mission/ The Wily Agent (Harper Collins India; pages 189; price Rs 250) by Amar Bhushan is a two-story fictional work based on the exploits of the Indian intelligence and it is so racy that I had to finish it at one go. I just couldn’t put it […]Read More


Is Gen Next reading books?

This World Book Day, author Vaishali Shroff says they are reading and all we, as parents, need to do is expose them to a variety of authors and books/ magazines and let them decide what they want to read Gen Next reading? I would say a resounding — yes! Why? Parents are more aware about the […]Read More


A tale of three journeys and more in Ramona

Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Conventionally, a sequel does not always gets its creator the accolades or recognition he or she would have achieved for the former one. But, exceptions are always there. Manoj V Jain’s fourth novel, a sequel to his third creation, Balraj is such an exception. Jain in author’s note mentions a number of messages […]Read More

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