Tags : books


Mystical Tales For A Magical Life

Saurabh Tankha Mystical Tales For A Magical Life, authored by  TEDx speaker, lifestyle coach, storyteller and author Shubha Vilas. Don’t know if you are aware that the Vedic texts are a wellspring of stories, of lessons, of tales that never get old. I came across this collection of stories that everyone in the family can […]Read More


Ramayana relevant in today’s times too

Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Ramayana is the saga of Lord Rama’s life. It is one of the greatest Indian epics offering not just lessons on statecraft and administration that transcend time and space but also on life and relationships. These are as relevant today as they were back then. My naani (maternal grandmother) often turned to […]Read More


For a healthy tomorrow

Team L&M Books play a very crucial role in everyone’s life, more so that of kids. As they say, books are considered man’s best friend — the wealth of knowledge they give is unparalleled. There are few publishers that have dedicated themselves for children, and Katha Books, founded by Padma Shri Geeta Dharmrajan in 1988, is one […]Read More


A man the nation owes

It was a Wednesday. Assistant Police Inspector Tukaram Omble was scheduled to work the evening shift. The television was tuned to the cricket match—India was playing England in the fifth ODI of a seven match bilateral cricket series in Cuttack. Before he could leave for the DB Marg police station to report to work, the […]Read More


Life, work and play in Gurugram

Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Lest you are mistaken, Debeshi Gooptu’s Gurgaon Diaries (Rupa, 226 pages, Rs 295) is not in a diary format despite its title. Rather it is a collection of small stories, anecdotes to be precise, presented randomly — each one driving home the point that in spite of being an IT hub sporting […]Read More


Working smart instead of working hard

Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Have you ever thought why so many IT engineers face an early burnout? Why so many turn to alternative professions, most often creative ones like writing and photography after a few years of landing into a high-paying, coveted job for which they had literally burnt the midnight oil? In my circle of […]Read More

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