Search Results for: benoy k behl

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Upanishadic vision of the history of art

Benoy K Behl The early river valley civilisation in the Indian subcontinent, from the fourth millennium BCE, was based on a cooperative culture. While there was a sophisticated urban ethos and advanced technology for its time, archaeological evidence has revealed that there was no developed system of kingship or military. The art of the Indus […]Read More


Indian Roots of trans-Himalayan Buddhism

Team L&M In the 4th century, in the region of Kashmir, Asanga and Vasubandhu developed the Yogachara school of Buddhism, which was to travel far and wide. In the 8th century, Guru Padmasambhava who was teaching in Kashmir, took a highly developed form of this Buddhism and its sacred dance to Ladakh, Lahaul-Spiti, Kinnaur, Western […]Read More

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