Benoy K Behl The early art of India is a valuable record of the thoughts and the vision of one of the most ancient civilisations in the world. This ancient art brings before us a view of the world which sees a great harmony in the whole of creation. It sees the same which is […]Read More
Search Results for: benoy k behl
News, Lifestyle & Entertainment stories - all at one placeBenoy K Behl Chandragupta-1 founded the Gupta empire in the year 320 AD. His capital was at Pataliputra, in present-day Bihar. He ushered in an age of well-being and prosperity: an age in which all aspects of culture flowered. It was one of the finest periods of mankind, when great thinkers attained noble heights of […]Read More
Benoy K Behl Nagaland is a hill state located in the far northeastern part of India. About one-sixth of Nagaland is under the cover of tropical and sub-tropical evergreen forests. There are about 16 major tribes in the state of Nagaland. Nagaland is a mountainous state. The Naga Hills rise from the Brahmaputra Valley in […]Read More
Benoy K Behl Tamil Nadu is on the East coast of Peninsular India. This state has been a great cradle of Indian culture and many ancient traditions of dance, music, architecture and life-style continue and flourish here till today. Temples were made out of hard and lasting granite in Tamil Nadu. There is an amazing continuity […]Read More
Benoy K Behl This film takes us to lesser-known, early surviving temples of Himachal Pradesh. It also gives a perspective to the art of Himachal and shows the deep relationship with that of Kashmir. Himachal Pradesh was known as a Dev Bhumi, or the land where deities reside. In the hills of Himachal many early […]Read More
Benoy K Behl One of the greatest achievements of the Nayaka period in Tamil Nadu is the making of the Meenakshi Temple at Madurai. It was made in the reign of Tirumalai Nayaka in the mid 17th century and is one of the largest temples ever to be made. The great Meenakshi temple is like […]Read More
Benoy K Behl The Vajra or Thunderbolt symbolises the Buddhist philosophy which was developed at the universities of Nalanda, Vikramshila and Odantpuri. It was believed that the logic of this philosophy was as striking as a thunderbolt and as indestructible as a diamond. After Eastern India, the Buddhist centres of Kashmir and the North-East played an […]Read More
Benoy K Behl In the heart of the great Himalayas is a verdant valley, which has been described by poets and emperors as Paradise. Over the centuries, this beautiful vale has seen the blossoming of many of the most beautiful flowers of the philosophy of man. Kashmir has always been a renowned centre of Hindu […]Read More
Benoy K Behl The Himalayas have been a great crucible of India’s ancient culture. Here, protected by the tallest mountains in the world, deep philosophic thoughts and artistic ideas have come down through the centuries. From the 11th century onwards in India, there was a great revival of Vaishnavism. With it came the Bhakti cult […]Read More
Benoy K Behl Most people are not aware that at least a score of Hindu deities are very actively worshipped in Japan. In fact, there are hundreds of shrines to Saraswati alone. There are innumerable representations of Lakshmi, Indra, Brahma, Ganesha, Garuda and other deities. In fact, deities we have practically forgotten in India, such […]Read More