Team L&M Vibhor Kumar Singh debut book The Billionaire and The Monk published by Pan Macmillan in India is all set to be published in USA and Canada now. The book has already been translated into several languages like Greek, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Korean, and Portuguese while translations in Turkish and Bulgarian are underway. Balance, […]Read More
Tags : mental health
Team L&M Aimed at helping people to better manage their mental health during Covid-19 lockdown, the Department of Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences at Fortis Healthcare has published a free e-reader kindle book, Don’t worry! Here’s how you can keep your mind fit during a pandemic. Conceptualised by Dr Samir Parikh, Director of the Department of […]Read More
Team L&M To help youngsters understand how to study, prepare for exams and manage stress during the exam time, the Department of Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences, Fortis Healthcare under the aegis of the Fortis School Mental Health Program, has launched the first book on Study and Exam Skills, as part of the comic series […]Read More
Sheela Seharawat Have we ever given a thought on what are the most important aspects at any workplace? We always consider that efficiency, good money, growing aspirations, congenial working environment and friends or colleagues are crucial in making a workplace conducive and better. Although these factors are important in making a good working environment and […]Read More