Team L&M The India International Centre, New Delhi is playing host to Behind the Seen, a group show by three artists from Goa – Minakshi Singh, Divya Kamat, and Divya Balivada. Through their works, each of the three artists has attempted to explore the extraordinary aspects of an ordinary life, stories hidden in the mundane […]Read More
Tags : IIC
Team L&M If you want to explore the beauty of art crafted from electronic-waste, you must visit EcoInnovations: Transforming Waste into Wonders currently on at the India International Centre in New Delhi. A solo show of Bengaluru-based artist Vishwanath Mallabadi Davangere, the speaks about how environment can be conserved by minimising the waste that goes to […]Read More
Team L&M An exhibition of a selected digitised South Asian manuscripts sourced from national and international repositories, Evam Vadati Pustakam, begins tomorrow at IIC, New Delhi. The show traces the journey of texts across languages and to different parts of Asia, and stories of how manuscripts were collected down the ages. The exhibits illustrate what […]Read More
Team L&M After serenading Bengaluru and Mumbai, singer couple Prassenjit Lahiri and Akanksha Tyagi have their eyes set on Delhi-NCR. The couple, consultants by professions, is holding an Acoustic Baithak of poetry and Ghazals, Ehsaas Ka Safar at IIC today. A fusion of sher-o-shayari and ghazals, the show will take the audience on a journey […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Life in the Shadows, an exhibition of photographs by Chitvan Gill currently on at Art Gallery, Kamaladevi Complex, India International Centre, New Delhi brings to fore the unseen children of India’s poor forced to work due to poverty. “This exhibition is an attempt to bring these children closer to us, it tells […]Read More
Team L&M Following the completion of tenure by NN Vohra as IIC president, former Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran, Life Trustee, IIC has been unanimously elected by the Board as IIC’s new president. He assumed office earlier today. The president of IIC (India International Centre) is elected once in five years from among the Life Trustees following […]Read More
Team L&M Colours in the Hills, an ongoing show of paintings in water colour, oil, gouache and acrylic, by German artist Astrid Kiehn, at India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi consists of works that are made outdoors at different locations in Himachal Pradesh. Kiehn has captured the changing colours and moods of the monsoon skies, […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha An interesting photo exhibition is presently on at India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi. Titled 23 Grams of Salt, the exhibition showcases photographs of the places Gandhi passed through during the Salt March also called as Dandi March in 1930 while he protested against the salt tax levied by the British demanding […]Read More
Happiness Class or Curriculum. What an idea, Sir ji. Whose? HH the Dalai Lama, no less. Where? Delhi govt. schools, as models. And thanks to the most sauve Delhi culture-scene broadcaster Rajiv Mehrotra – he of the PBS fame – a documentary got made on the subject, recently screened at the IIC, Delhi. Dr Binay […]Read More
Team L&M “Nature means movement, fulfilment, warmth, mellowness, harmony, exuberance, a celebration of life, indeed the very Joie de vivre,” says artist Jyoti Nagpal, adding that she paints simple objects of nature and strives to portray the luminosity and stillness of the stopped moment.” The artist of light, as Nagpal is known, is currently having […]Read More