Jaspal Soni “I say to you, Shiva has need of you! Shiva has need of you! Shiva has need of you, and I can divide myself a billion times a billion times, placing my Electronic Presence over you. “Never mind the concern of popularity. Popularity, beloved ones! I am the most unpopular person in the […]Read More
Human life is much beyond this physical existence on earth. We all know that. Right! If existential questions bother you, and you have your eye on things beyond this realm, go through this vertical, and you will be surprised to realise the in-depth knowledge our write-ups offer. Still have more questions? Write to us at [email protected], or click here to connect.
Jaspal Soni “Here then on this soil, in this nation, I plant the extraordinary light of my heart in the heart of the messenger and devotees who have come to plant the flame of the Great White Brotherhood. “——- Now then, let the attention to the threefold flame of Life by all of those who […]Read More
Self‐idolatry or idolatry of others Putting people in a hierarchy of who is better than who, or more important, and then treating people differently depending on who they are in “hierarchy” Prejudging people based on their grooming, dress, skin color, Changing the way you act depending on who you are talking to Ignoring the “little […]Read More
Jaspal Soni “Beloved ones, you must know that your pride must regularly be tested to see whether it is still there! You must know whether you retain personal pride by how you react to remarks that you consider to be disrespectful or challenging or demeaning. “—- Understand, beloved, that it is important that you have […]Read More
“The heart chakra is not the chakra of the threefold flame. The threefold flame is sealed in a chamber that is behind the 12 petals chakra. The chamber is located in the 8th chakra that has eight petals. So if you can look as though you were looking off to the side of that chakra […]Read More
Archangel Gabriel teaches an exercise for holding the light of joy and sealing your chakras. Centre your love in your heart. Feel the fire of God intensifying in your heart. See it as white fire becoming pink, the color of the heart chakra, the color of love. Place your left hand over your heart and […]Read More
The mystical heart of the world’s religions is the identity of the True Self. The understanding of the Self is the most important insight that any individual can have in life. The Self begins with the permanent atom of being, the cause out of which the effect proceeds. We call this cause the I AM […]Read More
Jaspal Soni In the name I AM THAT I AM (OM TAT SAT OM), I call forth the light of the Living Word. I call for the descent of Elohim, the seven beloved Archangels and the seven beloved Chohans of the rays. In the name of Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, the […]Read More
The white light emanations from your individualised God-Self (Paramatman) emerge through the prism of the Atman (Higher Mind or Krishna Consciousness) as seven rays. These include blue, yellow, pink, white, green, purple/gold, and violet. The electronic pattern of the seven rays is the same as that of the corresponding God-qualities they represent. Chohans […]Read More
Jaspal Soni This is the ancient story of the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara who is well known worldwide. In Hinduism, he is revered as Karttikeya, the second son of Shiva and Parvati and the brother of Ganeshji. In India, he is also known as Subrahmanya, Murugan, and Sarvana; in Buddhism, he is known as […]Read More