Way to freedom is within us

 Way to freedom is within us

Vanshika Bisaria

We, humans, seem to be in a similar situation as a caged bird or animal — though with an illusion of freedom. This illusion may be due to the fact that somewhere deep inside, we know this period won’t last forever. That we are humans and will eventually get free from it all. Little do we know that the freedom we want to achieve has always been within us.

But some of us don’t seem to have learned the lessons yet? However, I have. I have learned to love myself more, care more about myself as also my loved ones. I have learned to devote time for things I have always loved doing — time to cook, have long conversations with loved ones, relive the (g)olden stress-free days, dance as I used to a few years back and heal myself, leave alone think about pursuing something new. In my daily routine, I never even got time to think about all these chores, to discover my talents. But now I have decided — come whatever may, I shall never take anything for granted. Neither myself nor my loved ones and most importantly, Mother Earth.

Have you noticed our Mother Earth has healed herself so much during this lockdown period? You can hear birds chirping, watch clear blue skies during day and stars twinkling at night, hear mystical sound of rivers and breathe fresh air. This isn’t a lockdown. This is God’s way of telling me to heal myself, to love myself more and to not take anything for granted, even Nature.

Let us all promise that when we step out again in the ‘free’ world, we shall never take life for granted, we shall never lock God’s creations and appreciate this amazing and beautiful world and the people with whom we share it.

Vanshika is an English (H) student


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  • Well said. Good to note that even young generation has fond memories and longing for the (g)olden days….
    Unfortunately, we all have very short memory and may get easily enticed by the immediate and short term gains of the modern ways of life. It is upto us and to our strong will-power to continue to enjoy these natural pleasures and leave this as a legacy for our next generation. Amen.

    • Thanks a lot, for encouraging us.

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