TOP 5 Must-have foods for changing season

 TOP 5 Must-have foods for changing season

Team L&M

Common cold, sore throat and the ceaseless cough! As we head towards winter, this all of a sudden changing weather can bring about various kinds of illnesses.  While staying hydrated, regular exercising, getting enough rest and dressing rightly are all must, consuming the right foods can also help you strengthen your immunity and beat the sickness in this changing season.
Founder and Director at Gaia Dolly Kumar, gives a list of five health foods to must indulge in during this changing season.

Bugged with a sore throat and the medicines just don’t work? Well, what better remedy for a sore throat than honey? As a matter of fact, honey is proven to have a soothing effect on sore throat. Grate half a ginger, add a spoonful of Multifloral Honey and voila! You have the perfect home-made remedy for sore throat. A rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it is a great substitute to sugar. It is also cholesterol-free and sodium-free. A spoonful of Multifloral Honey in warm water is one of the perfect ingredients to solve many of your health problems; helpful in case of high blood pressure, blood purification, etc. to name a few.

Neem helps boost your immune system while cooling down your body internally. Neem possesses both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help keep your skin clean, radiant and healthy. Neem also has blood purifying properties – it helps clear toxins and impurities from the blood leaving you with a strengthened immune system. Pop a neem capsule in the morning for a calmed and purified self!

Keeping yourself nourished from the inside during this time is very important. Indulge in a hearty and a steaming bowl of Masala Oats or Vegetable Oats. Rich in dietary fibre and protein, Oats are a low-calorie food that keeps you fuller for longer. Oats are also help manage cholesterol levels, maintain healthy body weight and reduce the risk of blood sugar and diabetes.

Green Tea
Reach out for a warm cup of Green Tea and feel all the snug. Green Tea contains various powerful anti-oxidants and nutrients that help regulate blood sugar, improve brain function and enhance metabolism. This ’super-drink’ also has essential minerals, bioactive compounds and fat-burning qualities, that not only help in increasing the detoxification process in the body but also, aid in weight loss. Along with this alluring aroma and pleasant taste, your body is bound to stay hydrated and fresh!

Olive Oil
Do you feel like hogging into some fries or indulging in something spicy? Why not prepare your own fries at home using some healthy Olive oil? A great alternative to regular cooking oil and ideal for almost all cuisines, Extra Light Olive Oil is rich in monosaturated fatty acids and has a light texture that would compliment with your dish perfectly. Packed with anti-oxidants, it also reduces the risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and breast cancer. Get that fine aroma and excellent flavour every time!


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