Team L&M Union Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, launched a novel comic book titled Let’s Move Forward, yesterday at Kaushal Bhawan, New Delhi. This comic book is a collaborative effort between the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and UNESCO New Delhi. It signifies a significant stride towards augmenting […]Read More
Team L&M Are you looking for culinary inspiration for Onam celebrations this year? If yes, we have got you covered. […]Read More
Team L&KM TM Music’s has released a sharp and funky melody Gallan featuring Faheem Abdullah. A song that instantly captivates listeners by making them reflect, reminisce and ruminate, Gallan is sure to touch the deepest core of your soul. While the title translates into talk or chatter, this track is an intriguing conversation between a […]Read More
Team L&M If you have a dog, you’ve got a travel buddy for life! Spreading love and light wherever they go, dogs are truly angels without wings. On the occasion of International Dog Day today (August 26), TM Music released a heartwarming song celebrating the travel/wanderer spirit , innocence and positivity of dogs. Ghumakkad, the […]Read More
Dr Blossom Kochhar Beautiful and healthy hair is a desire shared by many. While there are numerous hair care products available, natural remedies can often be equally effective and gentler on your hair. One such natural remedy that has gained popularity is fenugreek seeds. Known for their potent properties, fenugreek seeds offer a range of […]Read More
Team L&M When we talk about our overall wellness, we usually forget about oral health. Healthy teeth and good oral hygiene not only gives us the confidence to smile but also gives us the freedom from dental problems. When our overall oral hygiene is good, it improves our overall health and well-being. Here are some […]Read More
Team L&M Crime fiction write Vish Dhamija is is back with an edge-of-the-seat crime thriller, Déjà Karma (Pan Macmillan India). The book released early this month. The London-based author has 11 crime fiction novels to his credit. Déjà Karma revolves the philosophy of Karma. The story revolves around Jai Singh, a noted criminal lawyer of […]Read More
Team L&M A well-written storyline is made iconic by its characters and so is the case with one the most intense crime thrillers of all time – Breaking Bad. Highest rated show on IMDb till date, Breaking Bad is known for the complexity of the characters and their many sides, successfully gripping the audience for […]Read More
Team L&M Leading health-tech company working in the field of digital therapeutics (DTx) Fitterfly has released a whitepaper on the advocacy of digital therapeutics among clinicians in India. After reviewing 2877 prescriptions from 1897 Fitterfly members, with minimal mention of digital therapeutics as a therapy option, a survey was conducted among clinicians to assess their […]Read More
Gurukul we have heard of. A place where young ones went to learn. Today, a cool guru is the operative word! Seeing young India and them millennials at a Sunday morning function celeb a 75-year-old guru (though she looks 50 – proving once again dance keeps one young, fit and smiling – like this Guru Sucheta Chapekar […]Read More