Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Dev, an 11-year-old boy, is dejected after his father passes away. He cannot come to the terms of his father’s death and takes out his anger on his mother as well as younger brother, and in turn, becomes sad. Then, he meets Sanjay who not only teaches him how to deal with […]Read More
Team L&M 37-year-old man can now walk slowly and move his fingers after cell based therapy Hrishikesh Rane, 37 years, had been under treatment for high blood pressure for around four years. After coming from work two years back, he experienced weakness in his legs while starting his bike. He further experienced weakness in his […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Love & Rage, The Inner World of Children by child psychotherapist Nupur Dhingra Paiva (Yoda Press, 235 pages, Rs 450) talks about the inner world of children – children, most of whom she has counselled over the years, and whose stories she has shared with their permission. “By sharing these stories, I […]Read More
Dandruff is a common scalp condition. In its mild form, it consists of loose white flakes which fall off and may be noticed on the shoulders and back. Sometimes, the flakes may be yellowish in colour. Even mild dandruff can be accompanied by itching. Sometimes, the scales, along with oily secretions, tend to adhere to […]Read More
We see legendary dancers at shows and events and many-a-times we attend their enriching workshops too where we learn lessons of a lifetime. We have also seen the same legendary artist win several awards, an accomplished dancer always gets awarded and applauded for his or her work all the time. But it is not always […]Read More
करवाचौथ पर उन नारियों के समक्ष दुविधा जिनके पति उनके लिए “परमेश्वर” न बन सके….!!!!!!! कहीं जिस्म पर हैं अनेकों नीले-काले घाव कहीं दिल औ आत्मा छलनी-लहुलुहान फिर भी हर पतिव्रता भारतीय ब्याहता नारी करे हर वर्ष कार्तिक में करवाचौथ का निर्वाह स्वयं भूखे पेट दिनभर बाट निहारे पूर्ण चन्द्र औ व्यसनी पति-परमेश्वर की चंदा […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha House of Screams by Andaleeb Wajid (Penguin, 256 pages, Rs 250) is a story about a haunted house and a family that moves into it and how the house’s new incumbents battle the horrors they encounter. Muneera, who is forced out of her ancestral home by her in-laws along with her husband […]Read More
Team L&M With the wedding season just round the corner, The Leela Ambience, Gurugram hosted Magicka International MICE & Wedding Expo & Conference 2018. The day-long B2B event, organised by motivator and business trendsetter Raizy Bedi, kick started with lamp lighting by the esteemed guests followed by a mesmerising performance by renowned flautist Rajesh Prasanna […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha One of the pioneering artists of her generation, Rekha Rodwittiya will be opening her solo exhibition Rekha@Sixty – Transient Worlds of Belonging on October 31. The month-long exhibition at Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai, celebrates the legendary artist’s 60th birthday, through a new body of work that looks back on a spiritual and physical journey across six decades. Along […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha The once-famous industrial address is fast turning out to be the National Capital’s newest creative art space. Okhla, an acronym for Old Canal Housing & Land Authority, has had art galleries in its vicinity like The Stainless Gallery, Pearl Art Gallery and MF Husain Art Gallery. And now, thanks to two enthusiastic young […]Read More