Team L&M One of the main categories that generates the maximum amount of waste is packaging. The majority of packaging and bags are made of plastic, which is neither recyclable or compostable. Here, we examine four different businesses that are offering sustainable packaging solutions to the brands and changing the packaging landscape. Bambrew Vaibhav Anant […]Read More
Kahraman Yigit In this post-pandemic world, professionals are now returning to their normal work lives. The Future of Office Survey by global commercial real estate services, CBRE suggests that 58 per cent of employers expect their employees to work from the office but will allow them to work from home if they wish. Approximately 25 […]Read More
Benoy K Behl Most people are not aware that at least a score of Hindu deities are very actively worshipped in Japan. In fact, there are hundreds of shrines to Saraswati alone. There are innumerable representations of Lakshmi, Indra, Brahma, Ganesha, Garuda and other deities. In fact, deities we have practically forgotten in India, such […]Read More