Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Each one of us has travelled through many lifetimes and lived with many different souls amid family, friends, even our “enemies”. By enemies, I mean the people who we perceive to be harming us or those with whom we are not on the same page emotionally or psychologically – that irritating relative […]Read More
Human life is much beyond this physical existence on earth. We all know that. Right! If existential questions bother you, and you have your eye on things beyond this realm, go through this vertical, and you will be surprised to realise the in-depth knowledge our write-ups offer. Still have more questions? Write to us at lifeandmoreplus@gmail.com, or click here to connect.
Whether it is work or family or house obligations, children, or other commitments, we assume we can do it; we should do it well, which places a lot of pressure on us. Then we get overworked and burdened, and we begin to doubt our skills. It would be best to exercise self-care to keep intellectually, […]Read More
Team L&M Over 100 nations. 20 million participants. 19 languages. 3 days. This in a nutshell is the scale, reach and vision of the fourth edition of the ‘Ekam World Peace Festival 2021’, the world’s biggest online meditation festival held recently. The annual festival is conceived by noted spiritual masters Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji. […]Read More
The Heartfulness Institute has launches the HeartinTune app, a guided meditation app to support people in making meditation a daily habit. The app encourages everyone to embark on an inner journey of self-growth that offers lasting transformation, and improved quality of life. Team L&M HeartInTune is available for anyone across the world to use and […]Read More
Team L&M Indian-American wellness expert and integrated medicine pioneer Deepak Chopra is coming up with his podcast, Deepak Chopra’s Mind Body Zone: Living Outside the Box on Audible. It will have twelve 30-minute episodes. The first episode will be out on September 16. The podcast features Chopra’s conversations with a wide cross-section of people like […]Read More
Jaspal Soni Ascended Master Kuthumi is known as the master psychologist, and his assignment is to assist his chelas in the resolution of their psychology. Psychology is the study of the soul—from the Greek word “psyche” which means soul. The soul has departed from her original divine blueprint and forgotten her original identity in God. […]Read More
Jaspal Soni Ascended Master Maha Chohan is the representative of the flame of the Holy Spirit to earth’s evolutions. In the Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, the Holy Spirit corresponds to Shiva, known as the Destroyer/Deliverer. In the Hindu Trinity, Shiva represents the Holy Spirit at the cosmic level whereas the Maha […]Read More
Jaspal Soni Etheric Retreats An etheric retreat is a place where an ascended master lives and receives chelas (disciples). The retreats of the ascended masters have been established on the planet almost since the birth of the planet. We have been told that the greatest hope for the progress of mankind is actually through […]Read More
Sudha Laitu Negative energy can build up anywhere, particularly during the current times when there is so much happening around. But the good thing is you don’t have to live with it. There are certain tools and techniques that you must use to dispel this energy and keep your space clean and vibrating with positivity. […]Read More
Jaspal Soni A main purpose of the Science of the Spoken Word is to put someone in contact with his Higher Self (Atman). Once a person has made that contact, he can draw on the innate power of God within to bring the things he needs in life. Some commonly used modes of the Science […]Read More