Search Results for: benoy k behl

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Stupas of the Krishna Valley

The Buddhist sites of India, Gautam Siddharth’s escape from material world, the world of early rock-cut caves of western India and the early images of Buddha. In the last four parts of this 12-part series on the story of Buddhism, art historian and producer-director BENOY K BEHL has told us about all this. Today, he […]Read More


The image of the Buddha

Over the last three parts of this 12-part series on the story of Buddhism, we have come to know about the Buddhist sites of India, Gautam Siddharth’s escape from material world and the world of early rock-cut caves of western India. Find out where does art historian and producer-director BENOY K BEHL takes us today.. […]Read More


The journey within

In the first two parts of the 12-part series on the story of Buddhism, art historian and producer-director BENOY K BEHL took us to all the Buddhist sites of India and Gautam Siddharth’s final escape from the illusions of the material world. Today, let us see where he takes us… The second century BCE ushered […]Read More


Beyond the illusory world

In the first article and the 23 minute film, Path of Compassion, of the series on the story of Buddhism, art historian and producer-director BENOY K BEHL took us to all the Buddhist sites of India. Let us find out where he takes us today… In 483 BCE, Gautama Buddha attained Parinirvana, the final escape […]Read More


The story of Buddhism

Benoy K Behl The art of Buddhism is some of the most gentle and sublime art of the world. This exquisite heritage of philosophy and art developed in India and spread to all the countries of Asia. The exquisite art of Buddhism takes us to a peaceful sanctuary, far from the clamour of the material […]Read More

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