Increase the odds of your success

 Increase the odds of your success

Team L&M

One of the reasons of my picking up Make Your Own Luck (MYOL) by Bob Miglani and Rehan Yar Khan (Fingerprint!; non-fiction; Rs 250) was the quote on its cover by someone I had the opportunity of working with over two decades back. This was at The Pioneer in New Delhi. Must have been in the late 1990s or the turn of the millennium. And it was much before one of the Padma Shri recipients for 2019 Sanjeev Bikhchandani co-founded and Info Edge. The cover of MYOL quotes Bikhchandani as saying: “This book shows us how to help tilt the odds of luck and success in our favour by doing the uncommon things.” And how true this statement is. One needs to do something uncommon, something different to ensure luck smiles on him/ her. And who doesn’t want to be lucky – you, me, all of us? Isn’t it? Well, this book is all about this and more…

Make Your Own Luck can be easily termed as a guidebook for people who often end up saying, “Luck never seems to be smiling on me. I am so unlucky”. Read MYOL and become successful is my advice to you. Divided in seven chapters – the authors of MYOL tell us to be obsessively curious; solve a problem for others; take the road less travelled; have a beginner’s mindset, listen to critics, be openminded; do what is hard; practice randomness and have multiple plan “A’s” and Always Be Experimenting (ABE).

In the introduction, the authors write – “This book was born out of desire to help you grow fast. Help entrepreneurs grow their business by 100x. Help corporate climbers elevate their careers to the sky. Help salespeople build super successful strategies. And many others achieve great success.” They go on to write that one needs to break the luck myths conventionally attached to not being successful – “You don’t have to go to the right college. You don’t have to be born into the right family. You don’t have to have the best grades.” Both Bob and Rehan are of the opinion that achieving success comes from making you own luck, the way they did.

Bob Miglani

Entrepreneur and venture capital investor Rehan, a well-recognised face for his investments in OlaCabs, Druva, PharmEasy, Country Delight and GoMechanic, says, “In my career as an entrepreneur who failed several times before finding success in my own startup, Flora2000, to then becoming a successful angel investor and currently a venture capitalist, I have learned something crucial. What we often assume as stumbling onto success by chance is, in fact, the unimagined result of the deliberate choices we make in life.”

It was at Pfizer Inc in Manhattan that Bob started working as a sales representative, moving up the career ladder over 23 years, creating newer opportunities and working with customers and colleagues in over 30 countries as an executive with Pfizer Inc in NYC. Today, he works with CEOs, leaders and companies to help them adapt to change and grow big with new ideas.

Citing numerous examples from their own lives and experiences gained, Bob and Rehan seamlessly guide readers to get successful. Tips are aplenty in this unique effort, just that one needs to sit back and read. Do not rush through, for chances are that you will have to come back to it again. There are some great solutions to problems you and I face in everyday life. Just by incorporating them means a SUCCESSFUL TOMORROW. A must read so don’t miss getting a copy today…


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