Team L&M The average blood pressure (BP) for a normal adult is 120/80. Anywhere above 140 and 90 is considered high. Thanks to the kind of lives we are living, high BP (hypertension) is a common occurrence among people, age no bar. Disturbingly, often the high BP goes unnoticed as the symptoms are not very stark. […]Read More
Dr Madhu Kotiya People who are emotionally strong always learn to cope up with stressful situations and problems of their life, therefore they live a healthy lifestyle. As they feel good about themselves and their surroundings, their physical health is least affected by their thoughts and emotions. However, it’s very difficult to keep up control […]Read More
By Dr Divya Sharad Not very well known to the majority, Jackfruit (kat-hal in Hindi) is not only a delight to the tongue but also plays a vital role in keeping an individual healthy. Called Artocarpus Heterophyllus, Jackfruit grow in tropical and sub-tropical regions throughout the world. It can be eaten either raw (as vegetable […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Do you often have muscle aches and pain, and your knees hurt frequently? Does even a slight weight on your chest hurts? If you are facing any of these conditions, it’s time to get out and soak in some sunlight. For, these symptoms show that you are suffering from vitamin D deficiency. […]Read More
Team L&M A new bewerage to enliven you in the blistering summer months has reached market. Launched by GAIA the Leaf Green Tea – Lemon is a perfect blend of anti-oxidants and Vitamin C that strengthens the immune system, detoxifies the body and keeps you energized all day long. Rich in ECGC polyphenols, this refreshing […]Read More
Team L&M Be careful when you buy tin cans, either for coke, soda or any other food item. Do NOT drink or eat directly from these cans. For these may be infected and contain many pathogens. Sometime back, two persons admitted in the ICU of AIIMS Delhi, died. They had fallen sick after drinking cola […]Read More
Do not neglect your eyes. Yearly check-ups are very important, more so for those who are diabetic.Read More
Team L&M Any delay in menstrual periods not only affects a female physiologically but psychologically as well. But there are certain food items which, taken regularly, help overcome the problem of delayed menstruation. But, in case your problem is chronic, you MUST visit a gynaecologist. Asafoetida/heeng Add half a teaspoon of heeng in each vegetable […]Read More
By Dr Rita Bakshi A normal healthy menstruation cycle in a period repeats every 28 days, but for many women, their cycle keeps changing. Delayed menstruation cycle could mean that the body is entering menopausal transition. However, not every woman who suffers from delayed menstruation cycles is entering menopausal transition. Women of all ages can […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha April 7 is observed as a World Health Day every year. Each year the day is dedicated to a particular disease. This time the theme is Depression: Lets Talk. Yes, the word which we all often use, but I am sure, without actually knowing the real meaning if it. Let me give […]Read More