Team L&M To break the vicious cycle of ill health and poverty, Swasti’s Invest for Wellness (i4We) programme has brought primary care to the doorstep of over two lakh among the poorest of poor. The programme is currently being implemented across four States and five locations in urban and rural areas in India – Sehore […]Read More
Upasana Kaura Sattvic diet is a way to promote and keep ‘sattva’ – intended to cultivate a calm, clear and compassionate mind. Since what we eat affects our physical and mental well-being, sattvik food is the best next alternative to be a part of our life, more so considering the pandemic we are living with. […]Read More
Team L&M Research has identified significant gaps in people’s knowledge of fertility and artificial insemination techniques, contributing to a significant delay in planned parenthood. Effective educational programs need to be developed, to support informed decisions increase fertility knowledge and support informed family planning. Though millions suffer from infertility, very few couples are well informed about […]Read More
Team L&M Despite the World Health Organization’s recommended ban or restrictions on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorships (TAPS), and the fact that all forms are prohibited in India, tobacco companies indulge in widespread marketing of their products, particularly via online channels, which are less regulated than traditional media like radio and television. But help is […]Read More
Team L&M Oasis Fertility has launched, an exclusive one-stop destination to create awareness, increase knowledge, dispel myths and change mindsets regarding infertility. The site will hold awareness sessions, have blogs written by experts, a knowledge section and a Q&A page where people can post queries to be answered by experts. This all-in-one portal will […]Read More
Team L&M Apart from the sedentary lifestyle, the continuous WFH culture has given rise to a lot many other issues like mental stress, increasing feeling of boredom and irritability. All of these hamper productivity, but there are some things you can do to check this: Change your seating Try moving out of your bed when […]Read More
Team L&M “Whether future waves will affect children more or with increased severity are all speculations,” says Dr Praveen Kumar, Director, Department of Paediatrics, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. Dr Kumar talks about the need to protect children, and vaccinate pregnant women and lactating mothers. Excerpts from an interview: How has the pandemic affected […]Read More
DENTTABS Strawberry is here for your kidsRead More
UPASANA KAURA How many times have you heard your parents and grandparents tell you that you must walk to that neighbourhood grocery store, go for morning and night walks? I am sure plenty. If you have not listened to them ever, read this. Walking is not just good for your mental health, it also helps […]Read More
UPASANA KAURA If you are a regular with sugary drinks including soda, ditch them now. For consuming sugary drinks may cause lipid imbalance which, in turn, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), states a new study, published in Journal of the American Heart Association. According to the study, even 12 ounces of sugary drinks more than once a day is harmful as it lowers high-density […]Read More