Many faces of pride…
- Self‐idolatry or idolatry of others
- Putting people in a hierarchy of who is better than who, or more important, and then treating people differently depending on who they are in “hierarchy”
- Prejudging people based on their grooming, dress, skin color,
- Changing the way you act depending on who you are talking to
- Ignoring the “little people”
- Pride of place or position
- Thinking you are more important than someone else because of the kind of work you do
- Thinking that you are better than others
- Inordinate self‐esteem
- Putting yourself or someone else down
- Disdainful attitude and demeanour
- Nose in the air or looking down your nose at others
- Patronizing or talking down to others
- Using words you know someone doesn’t understand
- Manipulating others to get what you want
- Controlling situations and not sharing responsibility
- Thinking you have to do everything because no one else can do it better
- Not giving others the opportunity to help or assist you
- Being unwilling to share your knowledge, so that you can maintain control
- Not being able to work with others, unable to compromise or give in
- Refusing to change or to consider that you might need to change
- Shouting or yelling in anger or aggravation
- Pointing out others’ mistakes in a blaming tone
- Thinking a person “should know better” and using a demeaning tone of voice toward them or about them
- Using a tone of voice that indicates irritation
- Sarcasm
- Always insisting you are right
- Not admitting you are wrong
- Having to have “the last word”
- One‐upmanship
- Having a sense of self‐importance
- Being preoccupied with yourself
- Always needing to be the center of attention
- Drawing attention to yourself
- Talking too much, or talking about yourself all the time
- Thinking others are thinking or talking about you
- Having a “What can you do for me?” attitude
- Having a “My brother is my keeper” attitude
- Thinking you are above the Law, or a “special” son or daughter of God
- Being easily offended
- Being overly sensitive or insensitive
- Not forgiving yourself or others
- Ingratitude
- Thoughtlessness
- Not realizing that you have pride or a problem (spiritual blindness)
- Being dishonest with yourself and others
- Taking credit when it is not due or for others’ work or efforts
- Bragging
- Being vain, looking at yourself in the mirror a lot
- Displaying your talents, clothes, money, looks
- Being overconcerned with appearances and other people’s opinions
- Non‐resolution with God
- Non‐surrender to the will of God
- Not trusting others, God, the messengers and the masters
- Being a workaholic and wanting praise for all that you do, or accumulating so many tasks so that people think you’re great because you do so much
- Needing to rescue others from their problems
- Overworking yourself, pushing yourself beyond what your body can handle
- Not taking care of your physical body or inordinate concern about the care of the body
- Not paying attention to your inner child
- Lack of self‐esteem
- Feeling unworthy
- Being insane or acting crazy
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