Make this Mother’s Day extra special for your mom

Team L&M

With Mother’s Day round the corner, all of you must be thinking of the ways in which you can celebrate the day differently than the years gone by. You must be devising ways in which you can make it more special for your mom?

Well..You sure can make this Mother’s Day somewhat more memorable for your mom.

Instead of gifting her some usual gift that you do every year, do something which will make her talk about you with a little more pride. Donate the amount that you have kept aside for Mother’s Day celebrations for the welfare of those kids who don’t have a mother of their own.

What’s more, you don’t even have to go searching for orphanages or NGOs where you can donate. All you have to do is just log on to to, and donate the amount you want to.

In return, you will receive a beautiful personalized donor’s certificate in your mom’s name. You give this certificate to your mom and see her reaction! Priceless.

Established in 2000 by advertisement professional Caroline Boudreaux, Miracle Foundation is an NGO that works for orphan kids, rearing and educating them to give them a life of dignity. The India chapter, Miracle Foundation India, came up in 2011 and is supporting 25 children’s homes all over India.

“Miracles happen when you bring together those who have with those who do not,” says Caroline, “so this Mother’s Day we decided to partner with the online crowd-funding platform, Ketto, to generate funds to support the education of 50 children for an entire year.”

“We invite everyone to make the Mother’s Day special this year. Helping children go from hopeless and head-down, to empowered and standing tall, with bright futures ahead of them, is one of the most fulfilling endeavours in the world. Every mom would be proud to play a part in,” she adds.

“Every child deserves the basic right to education. We are just doing our bit for the children,” says Ketto CEO Varun Sheth.

Alongside educating the homeless children, and helping them lead a good life, Miracle Foundation also explores every avenue to reunite children with a parent or relative. “We have managed to re-unite 25 % kids with their families. And, for those who live in Children’s Homes we ensure that they have international living standards and get good education,” says Caroline.


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