I’m an actor by birth

 I’m an actor by birth

You have seen him play TRP Mama in Super Dancer, Manohar Jain in Ludo and more recently as Muktaram in Mukesh Jasoos on Disney+ Hotstar and in each of these roles, actor PARITOSH TRIPATHI has proved his acting prowess. Born to educationist parents in Uttar Pradesh’s Deoria district, Paritosh is the youngest among two elder sisters and an elder brother – all of who are lecturers. In an interview with SAURABH TANKHA, the 33-year-old shares when he decided to become an actor, what made him switch from a science background to do graduation in Hindi from Delhi’s Shivaji College, being an actor more than a comedian, his life and more…

When was the first time that Paritosh Tripathi decide to be an actor?
Though I consider myself an actor by birth, it was in class VI that I decided to become one. My family says I was a born nautankibaaz. I feel blessed and am happy to be doing what I dreamt of during my childhood. The audience needs to judge whether I’m good or bad at the craft.


My family says I was a born nautankibaaz. I feel blessed and am happy to be doing what I dreamt of during my childhood


What was the reaction back home when you shared the decision to enter the entertainment industry?
To begin with, they thought I was doing theatre as a hobby and this phase will get over. Till such time, they were agreeable with it. The problem started when I started doing theatre professionally. This phase continued till the time they read my name in newspapers and heard people appreciating my acting skills. Most importantly, when they got to know that I earn through this medium of art. Before this, for the longest time, my family wanted me to return home, which I’d left as a 15-year-old, to do B Ed and become a teacher.

What made you switch from a science background to graduate in Hindi from Delhi’s Shivaji College?
It was my stubbornness that resulted in this changeover. I had never wanted to study science and become an engineer. Remember the scene from Three Idiots where Farhan (R Madhavan) tells his dad that even if he became an engineer, he’ll be an incompetent one. The same happened with me in real life. I’m sure If I’d become one, I’d be a useless one too. At that juncture in life, I decided on doing what I wanted to. The moment I took this decision, of dropping out from science stream, folks back home stopped talking to me. This silence continued for the longest time. In fact, I’d even got admission into Banaras Hindu University (BHU) but I told my family that I’d failed to clear the entrance exam. I did all this because I wanted to be in Delhi as the National Capital is one of the most perfect places for Hindi theatre. Thereafter, I moved to Delhi to fulfill my dream, of doing theatre.



We did over 300 shows of Munshi Premchand’s Bade Bhai Sahab and won almost two dozen prizes across all Delhi University colleges


Tell us about Vayan Theatre Group and about the famous play, Bade Bhai Sahab.
Sounds cliched but theatre has and will forever be my first love. In fact, it started as a crush and I then fell in love with it. I’ve always felt that I’ve been created for theatre. I’d heard from many that theatre groups in Delhi University’s colleges were very strong. However, when I reached Shivaji College, I found it had none. So I, along with three other friends, formed the Vayan Theatre Group. The four of us wrote, directed and played various characters in these street plays. Over time, we moved to stage. One of them was Bade Bhai Sahab. There was no DU college left back then where we performed and not won a prize. To the last count, it was 22. And we did over 300 shows. But one can’t be taking the credit for staging this Munshi Premchand story. It has been written so well that if you narrate it to someone, he will enjoy it thoroughly.



Muktaram in Mukesh Jasoos is an underdog. My attempt with this character was to be as close to reality as possible


Your role in Mukesh Jasoos is different from your image of a comedian…
First of all, I’m not a comedian but an actor, one who can perform comedy. Actors who do comedy also pick up other roles. There are a lot of actors who did comedy. It is always an actor first who tries doing different genres. A number of movies are remembered due to the comic timing of such actors. Neither would I like to be termed as a comedian nor do I need this tag. Talking about my role in Mukesh Jasoos, it is completely different from whatever I’ve done till now. Muktaram (my character) is an underdog, someone who always is in the real zone. My attempt with this character was to be as close to reality. I’ve always wanted to do roles which are relatable and closer to life. I’m happy the character got such a good response. But full credit to the writer for penning this character. An actor can improvise better if the role has been written well.

Do you think OTT is the future of entertainment industry in India?
With theatres and cinema halls shut and not knowing what will happen tomorrow, OTT is surely the future. In fact, it has been a boon for people in the entertainment industry. How would have they survived if not for OTT? Audiences at home would watch anything to pass their time but it is also about people who work in the industry. OTT has given them that opportunity, that platform. Also, it is immaterial whether you are a known actor or not as content happens to be the king when it comes to OTT. These OTT platforms have revived dying careers of many artistes and have given opportunities to a number of new talented actors and technicians.



For me, art is a medium of expression. If it doesn’t get complete by acting, it does so by writing. My third book will hit stands next year


Is writing a hobby or are you a serious writer?
There are so many things you can’t share with others or at times, even yourself. This can best be done through writing. The general perception is that if expressed in written form, it reduces the percentage of damage. Or perhaps, you get the courage to write before you express it. Remember childhood days when that boy in class could have stopped the girl he liked to tell her the same but then he relied on writing and giving it to her. Perhaps there is an angle of security attached with writing. Similarly, there are or would be so many things I would want to talk about but wouldn’t get an opportunity to do so as an actor. All this can be best expressed through writing. I can cry, laugh or romance while I act but there are other feelings I need to express and that I can do through writing. For me, art is a medium of expression, if it doesn’t get complete by acting, it does so by writing. Till date, I’ve written two books – Mann Patang Dil Dor and Chai Si Mohabbat and am planning the third soon. It should hit the stands next year.

What is Paritosh Tripathi doing when he is not breathing entertainment?
I cook, I write, I flirt and I fall in love. Something is on in my life at all times. I write commercials too. I feel when you are not doing anything, you should just sit back, relax and listen to your breathing as it helps. You also need to do a lot of introspection.

Can the comedian community not get together in these days of gloom to bring a smile on the faces of its Indian brothers and sisters through some programme or project?
We definitely should. Art is not just for entertainment and has a role towards society too. You must have heard that someone read an inspirational line somewhere and he promised to fight. At this time too, people who are feeling low or dejected need to be made happy. If someone can bring a smile on their faces, it will be equivalent to serving god.


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