Exotic burl wood furniture for elite homes

 Exotic burl wood furniture for elite homes

Team L&M

Burl wood is a type of wood highly prized by people who love wood because is unique shapes and ring patterns. It is an unusual wooden growth found on certain trees and is used to create sculptures, artefacts, and even furniture. The aesthetic curves and rugged feel make Burl furniture highly sought-after among connoisseurs around the world.

The Great Eastern Home gives lovers of fine furniture the chance to enhance their home décor with these exclusive, exotic pieces.  The charm of Burl Wood furniture is that these pieces are very rare and does not need any adornment or engraving, nature herself is the designer of each piece. Whether it is a one-of-a-kind centre table or an elegant chair, it will last a lifetime, never go out of style and can be handed over to the next generation as a precious heirloom.

Experience The Great Eastern Home at: The New Great Eastern Spg & Wvg Co Ltd, 25-29, Dr Ambedkar Road, Inside Salsette 27, Near Rani Baug, Byculla (East), Mumbai and MG The Great Eastern Home, Khanna Estate, LBS Marg, Opp HDFC Bank, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai

Prices On request


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