Yogasanas to stay fit during lockdown

 Yogasanas to stay fit during lockdown

Paramita Singh

As the nationwide lockdown has been extended, people are getting concerned about their health. As social distancing has reduced our physical movement, it is important to uplift vitality without having to step out of the comfort of your home. With practice of good hygiene, one must also adopt for ways to boost your immunity naturally.
Yoga is a sustainable practice and a holistic health option that everyone can access. It can be adapted and learnt by everyone throughout the world. It’s the perfect time to start a regular yoga routine as we all are “working from home” and maintaining social-distancing due to lockdown scenario.
This traditional routine is known to nourish the brain as it leads mind and body. It also relishes your senses and makes you aware of your well-being and surroundings. Yoga promotes alpha brainwaves by increasing cortical thickness which leads the learning and memory abilities. Techniques of reflection and meditation infuses a sense of mindfulness, also regulates breathing and a sense of tranquillity and well-being is maintained.
With modernisation, there has been a distinct change in the health habits of many. Whether you’re someone who is into freelancing, or currently working from home due to Covid-19 situation, or taking a sabbatical from work, indulging in a fitness routine helps relax body stiffness, boosts energy, improves blood circulation and keeps you energised.
Studies show that a 60-minute meditation session can help reduce anxiety for up to an hour post-meditation, improve sleeping patterns and, in turn, improves the quality of life, improves the immune system, inculcates a positive outlook towards life and drives away negative thoughts, and helps you plan your day better.
As a nutritionist and yoga practitioner, I believe we should celebrate life and living with yoga. Mark this day and take few practical steps in daily life towards health with these yoga asana.


This particular asana, known as the upward plank pose, helps you unwind from stress and body stiffness.
Not just that but it also helps you build a strong core, fuels you up with optimism as this upward plank pushes
your heart high and naturally easing your breathing. This asana helps you dial back into the mode of relaxation
and is not something too complicated for beginners either!


This seated forward bend yoga pose is considered to be the most important asana in hatha yoga.
This particular asana is known to help digestion, tone the shoulders and stretches the lower back, hamstrings
and hips, calms brain activity thereby relieving one from any form of stress or anxiety, and
massages and tones the abdominal and pelvic organs.

Popularly known as the upward dog pose, this asana improves posture, helps relieve fatigue
and mild depression, strengthens the arms, spine, and wrist, and also improves blood circulation.


Known as the standing forward bend pose, this asana will give that much-needed
stretch to your hamstrings and also soothe your mind. While this pose particularly helps
you calm your brain, releasing you of all the stress and tension, it also helps combat headaches
and insomnia, reduces fatigue, and improves digestion.


Also known as the ‘boat pose’, this asana is known to strengthen the abdomen, hip flexors, and spine,
removes bloating and also stimulates the kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands, and intestines.

There is one common factor in all these asanas, and that is relaxation of the mind, body, and soul. While there are several forms of workout there, the benefits of yoga, in the long run, are unmatched when compared to the rest. I strongly believe that in this modern and fast-paced world while we all are trying to cope with some stress or anxiety, yoga can truly help you fight all your battles — big or small.

The author is a sport nutritionist-cum-yoga practitioner



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