Workplace stress on rise among Indians

 Workplace stress on rise among Indians

Team L&M

Do you that nearly 56 million Indians are stressed and another 38 million experience anxiety disorders. A recent study on the causes and implications of workplace stress in India revealed six most prevalent reasons for this. Among these reasons are negative work-life balance; working overtime; and neglect at the workplace. There is a need to create awareness on the fact that acute stress overtime can lead to health complications such as diabetes and hypertension.
Work stress can raise the risk of heart disease by disrupting the body’s internal systems. Stressed workers also tend to eat unhealthy, smoke, drink and skip exercise, all of which are risk factors for various health complications in the long term. Such employees also have higher-than-normal levels of cortisol, a ‘stress’ hormone which provides the energy required for a fight-or-flight response. An excess of this hormone can damage blood vessels and the heart.
“Workplace stress is very rampant today, especially in cities. One can blame this on fast-paced lifestyles, the hurry to complete tasks as per deadlines given as well as a lack of balance on one’s daily schedule. When stress accumulates, it can lead to several health issues and in some cases, even mental health problems like depression. It is thus imperative to ensure that corrective measures are taken at the earliest to reduce stress and balance work. The onus is also on organisations to provide employees with activities that relieve stress,” said Pravesh Gaur, founder-director, Srauta Wellness.

Managing stress and anxiety can be an overwhelming experience for employees at times. However, apart from trying to follow a healthy lifestyle, it is important to also remember that you are not alone. There is no shame in asking for help when needed, especially if you feel overburdened with work. Make sure you also engage in relaxing techniques such as yoga and meditation regularly.
Tips on avoiding stress at workplace
· Form a daily routine. Structuring your work and tasks will help reduce anxiety and overwhelming thoughts.
· Break up your day’s work into smaller parts. This is because focusing on the immediate smaller steps will give an easier impression of the work ahead and not overwhelm you.
· Motivate and treat yourself once you complete a task. This does not mean eating unhealthy but rather something that will make you feel relaxed and help you unwind.
· Taking regular breaks from work. This will help you become more productive. Stretch yourself and take a small walk to exercise those tired muscles.
· Eat healthy and exercise. Both these will have a lasting impact on the body irrespective of your schedule and work.


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