Health benefits of mud therapy decoded
Dr Divya Sharad,
Mud is one of the five elements of nature which has an immense impact on the body in normal health as well as during sickness.
It can be used as a therapeutic agent in naturopathy treatment because it absorbs all the colors of the sun and retains moisture for a long time and has a cooling effect on the body. What’s more it is inexpensive and easily available.
The mud used for treatment should be black in color, rich in clay content and free from pollution and contamination. The mud should be dried, powdered and sieved to separate stones, grass particles and other impurities, before using for the treatment. Clay (mud) is fine earth. When taken out from the lower depth of the ground, clay is free from microbial flora, retains its grecy quality when wet and impermeable. In case of organic Disorders, its intense activity destroys unhealthy cells and rebuilds healthy cells. It improves the blood supply to the internal organs. Clay is a powerful agent of stimulation, transformation and transmission of energy.
To treat health problems
It is effective for indigestion, hyperacidity, colitis and diarrhoea,
Gynaecological disorders and urinary problems.
Provides immediate relief from pain in case of headache
For face pack
When applied as face pack, mud improves complexion, removes pimples and opens skin pores, eliminates toxins and also removes dark circles around the eyes.
For eye pack
When applied on eyes, it reduces irritation in the eyes and provides relaxation. It is effective in conjunctivitis and hemorrhage in the eyeball, itching of eyes and allergic conditions. Mud eye packs are very useful in short sightedness, long sightedness and glaucoma.
For bathing
Mud bath strengthens the circulatory system. It improves the complexion by getting rid of spots especially after chicken pox. It is also recommended for skin diseases, including psoriasis, leucoderma, urticaria and allergies.
Dr Divya Sharad is Medical Officer at
Swami Parmanand Prakritik Chikitsalaya, Vinod Nagar, Delhi
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nice blog