Navratri: Kushmanda Mata is worshipped on Day 4 to gain health, wealth & strength

 Navratri: Kushmanda Mata is worshipped on Day 4 to gain health, wealth & strength

Neha Mangal

Mata Kushmanda is the fourth face of the Mother Goddess and is worshipped on the fourth day of Navratri. She possesses eight arms, holds weapons like trident, discus, sword, hook, mace, bow, arrow and two jars of Amrut (Elixir), blood and a mala. She mounts on a tiger and emanates a solar aura. Her one hand is always on abhayamudra from which she blesses all her devotees.
“Ku” means “a little”, “ushma” means “warmth” and “anda” means “the cosmic egg.” Therefore, Kushmanda Mata is considered to be the creator of the Universe. It is said that the Universe was a place full of negativity and darkness until she spread her light in all directions.
Maa Kushmanda is related to the Anahata Chakra” On the Day 4 of Navratri, Kushmanda Mata is worshipped to gain health, wealth, and strength. It is believed that reciting the mantra of Kushmanda Mata on Navratri’s 4th-day  proves very propitiou
Kushmanda Mata created the whole universe (Brahmanda) by just flashing little bit of her smile. She also likes Bali of white pumpkin known as Kushmanda (कुष्माण्ड). Due to her association with Brahmanda and Kushmanda, She is popularly known as  Kushmanda Devi.
As per the Hindu scriptures, It is said that at the beginning there was nothing. The entire Universe was void and there was no sign of life and light. There was darkness everywhere and at that time, Maa Kushmanda created the Universe. Kushmanda Mata created the whole universe (Brahmanda) by just flashing little bit of her smile. She also likes Bali of white pumpkin known as Kushmanda (कुष्माण्ड). Due to her association with Brahmanda and Kushmanda, She is popularly known as  Kushmanda Devi. She is the first being of the Universe and called Aadi Swarupa or Aadi Shakti.
Kushmanda Mata created the Sun, the planets, and the galaxies. She replaced darkness with light and provided life to all living beings. Then, she created three divine Goddesses- Mahalakshmi from her central eye, Mahakali from her left eye, and Mahasaraswati from her right eye.” Jai Maa Kushmanda
It is believed that reciting the mantra of Kushmanda Mata (ॐ देवी कूष्माण्डायै नमः/ Om Devi Kushmandayai Namaha॥) on Navratri’s 4th-day proves very propitious.


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