World Dance Day Special

 World Dance Day Special

His journey has been full of struggles. He has faced challenges at every single stage of life, the most important being financial constraints. In the absence of monetary support from the family, he was unable to join dance workshops as it cost a fortune which involved travelling to Dehradun as there were no dance schools in his hometown, Rudrapur. But then he didn’t sit back and curse his luck or gave it up. He started teaching dance so that he could attend these workshops in Dehradun and motivated him to start his own dance academy for underprivileged students in Rudrapur.

With film choreographer Remo D’Souza as his inspiration, Sushil Remo is today an inspiration for many in his hometown. “My parents were not supportive at all to begin with. As my dad is from the army, he wanted me to join the Forces. In fact, when I told him that I wanted to be a choreographer, he was shocked. He even withdrew all his support to make me quit dance but all of it could not break my passion and determination for dance,” shares Remo.

It was only after he won The Amazing Dance Show and Competition (a state-level dance event) and Sushil’s name was published in a local newspaper that his father realise how talented his son was. And he eventually accepted the fact that Sushil wants to pursue his career in dance.

Apart from his parents, Sushil also considers himself lucky to have found India Ka Talent which helped him hone his skills and gave him a stage to showcase his talent globally. “IKT helped me promote my dance videos on social media platforms. I have been among the trending videos on their mobile application. All this helped me to become somebody from a nobody and now my identity is not limited to Rudrapur alone,” says Sushil.

The dancing wonder from Rudrapur next wants to learn dance at India’s biggest dance academy and wants to open more dance schools in other small towns so that people like him don’t have to struggle the way he did.


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