Shuchita Sancheti Garg

In a world where technology is taking over human effort at a rapid pace, there’s something truly fascinating about cherishing the age-old techniques of craftsmanship. As someone wholeheartedly involved in the industry, I’ve always known and felt the incredible appeal of hand printing.

Hand printing is one of the most beautiful forms of craftsmanship. In India, this art form has its roots in the earliest days of civilization, when skilled artisans used simple tools to meticulously create intricate designs on fabric. At the heart of hand printing lies the practice of delicately carving these small designs and details onto wooden blocks. These blocks, crafted by artisans, stand as the foundation of this craft. Each block is a testament to the artisan’s expertise and creativity. After the designs have been carefully carved, they are gently inked and stamped onto fabric or preferred materials, resulting in a captivating blend of colours and patterns.

Hand-printed fabrics stand out from their mass-produced counterparts due to their undeniable charm and character. Each piece carries subtle distinctions, showcasing the distinct touch of human hands and the individuality woven into the process. Unlike automated printing methods, hand printing fosters a deeper connection to the creative process. Craftsmen invest their time, care, and passion into each design, resulting in unique pieces brimming with authenticity and soul.

While growing up, I discovered the world of art, captivated by colours, questioning the existing perceptions. How colours affect us consciously and subconsciously? Why do we like a particular colour? Is it because it makes us happy? Or is it because it forms a reminiscence last? Such thoughts flooded my mind. My early life inculcated the fascination towards art making. Even today, I resort to painting or doodling as a way of meditative escape.

India, the rich land of art and culture has witnessed the art of hand printing has been handed down through generations, as a link to our cultural legacy. In the process of evolving as a designer, I constantly reflect back to my roots as an artist. Exploring the artist in me has been a persistent exercise for my mind since childhood. I cherish my days spent as a kid, playing with wooden printing blocks, at my father’s textile unit. The dazzling colours and the brilliant techniques invigorated my curiosity to the extent that I started printing scarves for myself. I was then, yet to develop any design understanding but was still passionately perseverant. Belonging to a family of visionaries in the textile industry for 7 generations, seeing my father bringing together the team to grow Jaipur Saree Kendra (est 1968) to Vasansi Jaipur (est 2007), inspires me every day.

The art of hand printing is truly a labour of love. Requiring patience, skill, and dedication, with each meticulously crafted piece, artists pay homage to the centuries-old tradition of hand printing, infusing their work with a sense of pride and reverence.

Hand printing encompasses a diverse range of textile products, from fashion and accessories to home décor items. In recent years, there has been a notable resurgence of interest in artisanal crafts driven by a quest for authenticity and individuality. This renewed appreciation for hand-printed textiles transcends borders, as consumers worldwide seek ethically produced goods that carry stories and heritage.

To meet the evolving demands of the market, many artisans are blending innovative techniques with traditional hand printing methods. By infusing age-old practices with contemporary design sensibilities, they breathe new life into classic designs, appealing to modern tastes.

The global market for hand-printed textiles is expanding, fueled by a growing admiration for craftsmanship and ethical production. As consumers prioritise sustainability and social responsibility, hand-printed textiles offer a conscious alternative to mass production.

Hand printing also fosters collaboration and cultural exchange. Artisans draw inspiration from diverse traditions, enriching their work with elements of various cultures and artistic styles. In community-based settings, they share knowledge and experiences, fostering camaraderie within the industry.

To sum this up, hand printing celebrates the beauty of imperfection, with each variation in colour and pattern enhancing the charm of the final piece.

Shuchita Sancheti Garg is Founder, vVyom by Shuchita 


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