Online film festival to entertain housebound kids

 Online film festival to entertain housebound kids
KNMA and Children’s Film Academy collaboration seeks to relieve anxiety, stress

The Kiran Nadar Museum of Art in collaboration with Children’s Film Academy announced the launch of a film festival for young adults and children. On offer are a host of national and international films, that cover a wide spectrum of genres and encompass many reputed names from the world of cinema. With most of us largely confined to our homes due to the pandemic, with levels of anxiety and fear almost constantly surrounding us, this film festival offers an outlet for the imagination. The films feature upbeat stories of courage and resilience in the face of adversity. Called Children’s Talkies, the festival features absorbing cinema to entertain and educate children as well as promote family bonding and universal empathy in the face of a life-changing crisis. It will also be followed by conversations with the film director.


A still from Dhanak


The event will be in two parts: the screening of films by acclaimed directors as well as video interviews with them. Scheduled to kick off on September 26, 2020, it will go on till November 7, 2020. The festival will be accessible on KNMA’s social media handles, as well as the website.

Films and directors
I am Williams – Jonas Elmer
Supa Modo – Likarion Wainaina (Kenya)
Dhanak – Nagesh Kukunoor
Naal – Sudhakar Reddy
Boy and the World – Ale Abreu (Brazil)
A Nine and a Half’s Goodbye – Halina Dyrschka (Germany)
Short film packages from Europe; British Film Institute, London; Cinematheque Francaise, Paris; FTII, Pune

Featured image A still from Naal



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