Hollywood star Gabriella Wright signs movie with Indian production house

 Hollywood star Gabriella Wright signs movie with Indian production house

Team L&M

British origin English actress and model Gabriella Wright, best known for playing Queen Claude of France in The Tudors, and who starred in the blockbuster franchise Transporter as well as the Hitman’s Bodyguard, Security and 22 Bullets is all set to star in an international feature film with an Indian production house, Falak Films Production.

Titled Eboni, the storyline of the fantasy film revolves around a man obsessed with the idea of resurrecting his deceased daughter, inadvertently evoking an ancient mystery. The movie will consist of three different chapters each dealing with different timespans. Gabriella would be seen playing the title role of Eboni, the goddess.



The makers are keen on casting more international stars and have approached Manoj Bajpayee, KK Menon and French actress Alix Benezech for pivotal roles. Written and directed by Imad Habib, produced by Sirajjudin Ansari and presented by Falak Films Production, the movie will soon go on floors. “After my stint with historical fiction, I was keen on exploring the fantasy genre. When Imad narrated the script to me, it was the story I was looking for. We are hoping to reach new audiences across the globe with Eboni,” shared Gabriella.


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