How to take care of oily skin during monsoons

 How to take care of oily skin during monsoons

During monsoons, due to high humidity, sweat and oil secretions increase. An oily and sweaty skin attracts more dirt and chemical pollutants, leading to dull skin and problems like spots, pimples, acne and rash. Fungal infections are also common.

Cleansing is the main aspect of monsoon care for oily skin. The surface oil has to be removed and the pores kept free of hardened oil. The skin should be cleansed morning and night with a face wash or cleanser, especially formulated for normal to oily skins. Face wash containing ingredients like tulsi and neem would be idea.

An astringent lotion helps to remove oiliness. After washing the face, wipe it with an astringent lotion, using cotton wool. Or, use a rose based skin tonic. Exfoliation is an important aspect in the care of oily skins. This involves the use of cleansing grains or scrubs for deep pore cleansing. These should be rubbed gently on the skin and washed off with water. You can make a scrub at home by mixing rice powder with rose water and applying it on the face. Rub gently with circular movements and wash off with water. If there are pimples or acne, avoid using scrubs on them.

Fuller’s Earth (Multani Mitti) also helps to reduce oiliness and close the pores. Mix multani mitti with rose water into a paste and apply three times a week. Wash it off when it dries. Ingredients like gram flour (besan) and oatmeal help to cut down on oiliness. Besan can be mixed with curd along with a pinch of haldi and applied on the face, washing off after 20 minutes. Rinse very well with water. Similarly, oatmeal can be mixed with curd and egg white and applied. For open pores, mix oatmeal with egg white and apply three times a week on the area. Wash it off when it dries.

If you have an oily skin, avoid the use of oily creams and moisturisers. These can clog the pores and lead to blackheads and pimples. You can go for “clean ups” to a skin care salon, where stubborn blackheads can be extracted. Pinching blackheads with the nails can lead to infection. Look for a matte moisturiser or sandalwood protective cream. Carry wet tissues in your handbag during the day, to wipe and refresh the skin. Then apply powder from a powder compact.

Pimples and acne usually occur on oily skin. If this happens, take professional care in good time and learn how to take daily care of the skin. Specialised cleansers, skin tonic, protective cream and medicated lotions help to control pimples and acne.

Diet is important. If the system is congested, it reflects on the skin. Keep the system cleansed by including fresh fruits, raw salads, sprouts, wholegrains and yogurt in your daily diet. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily. Add the juice of a lemon to a glass of tepid water and have it first thing in the morning.


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