We all love to dance till it is fun and entertaining but, when it comes to taking it too seriously some teachers and students push it beyond boundaries and that is when it becomes a break dance factually, there are some killer dance moves, quite literally in all dance forms. Be it Indian classical dance, […]Read More
Sandip Soparrkar holds a doctorate in world mythology folklore from Pacific University USA, an honorary doctorate in performing arts from the National American University, He is a World Book Record holder, a well-known Ballroom dancer and a Bollywood choreographer who has been honored with three National Excellence awards, one National Achievement Award and Dada Saheb Phalke award by the Government of India. He can be contacted on [email protected]
According to Hindu Philosophy Lord Shiva, the source of Yoga, danced the world into existence and gave it order; the universe is thus viewed as Nataraja, the ‘Cosmic Dance of Shiva’. Dance and yoga have long been described as two rivers stemming from the same source (The One). I spoke with Yoga and Fitness guru […]Read More
The Spanish Flamenco and Indian classical dance Kathak have many similarities, infact if one digs into the history of Flamenco one will find Indian roots. Artists often collaborate and present shows with the two dynamic dance forms. Renowned Kathak exponent Anonna Guha pirouettes and actress danseuse Paris Laxmi’s Flamenco moves enthralled the audience at a […]Read More
Kathakali is one of the most ostentatious dances in the classical dance world, it is very well appreciated yet it does not have many students who whole heartedly take up the art of this intricate and elaborate dance form. Renjish Rajan Nair is one rare artist who has dedicated his life for Kathakali. He has […]Read More
It is a privilege and an exceptional opportunity when one gets to experience international dance in its most authentic form. Renowned Korean dancer Yi Chul-jin made a rare stop in India and performed and held workshops for Korean Dancer appreciation in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Nasik, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkatta and Hyderabad. Audience in each […]Read More
As many as 1,484 Kathak exponents dancing on the rhythm of Raga Basant in Khajuraho, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Madhya Pradesh, created a Guinness World Record. The record was created on the opening day of the recently held 50th Khajuraho Dance Festival organised by the state government. “The largest Kathak dance was achieved […]Read More
There are some dancers who are known as path breakers and then there are some who are the path makers. Today I wish to introduce you to dance reality show star Eshan Hilal, who once was ridiculed and condemned for perusing his passion for belly dancing but today the same boy is leading a life […]Read More
One of the greatest dance doyens the world of Indian Classical dance has ever seen is Late Padma Vibhushan Pandit Birju Maharaj, he has his disciples all over the world and after his death (two years back) his devoted students came together and announced his birthday February 4 as the World Kathak Day, the Government […]Read More
The Russian Swan Lake is a very renowned ballet, which is performed by Ballet dancers all over the world, in fact, Swan Lake is a study material for ballet dancer too. Each character in the dance drama is iconic and artists who have played the role have left their mark in our hearts forever. Swan […]Read More
The language of dance is a unique amalgamation of symbols and expressions manifested through body gestures. It takes a lot of dedicated passion and fusion of mind and body to absorb this language. Dancers take immense pride in sharing this unique language with the viewers and establish secure communication in the process. A deep sense […]Read More