Arts For All show at Greater Kailash

A group show, Baithak, is on at the Create Art Studio, Basement, W 114, Greater Kailash II, New Delhi. The show which began on Oct 3 will be on till November 25.   Lets Celebrate Life Together by Rachana Badrakia On display are art works by seven young residency artists working in various mediums like […]Read More


A soldier and a bindi artist

Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Give him a bindi of any size, shape or colour, and he can make an art piece using it. That’s the speciality of Noida-based artist Sheshdhar Pandey. Pandey has much to thank to the humble dot Indian women put on their foreheads, for it is this dot that has given him world-wide […]Read More


It’s a girl, ma’am…..silence

Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Heard a woman talking so loudly on her handphone in Delhi Metro on a Monday morning. This woman, in her late thirties or early forties, was talking to her friend about someone, may be her sister-in-law. From what I could gather from the forcible evesdropping (she was so loud, I couldn’t help […]Read More

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