Wooden sculpture show at Taipa Village Art Space

Taipa Village Art Space is playing host to wooden sculpture exhibition “Restless Nature” by renowned artist Tong Chong. The exhibition that began on July 5 showcases Tong’s new collection, created using pioneering plywood techniques. These works are the results of the artist’s three years of research on using the material. The show will remain open […]Read More


Safety tips for earthquake

Team L&M Earthquakes can occur anywhere, anytime. One cannot really predict an earthquake so one has to be prepared to deal to with this eventuality. 1) Keep a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, a battery-powered radio, a flashlight, and extra batteries at home, ALWAYS. Learn how to turn off the gas, water, and electricity. These […]Read More


Step in to save environment now

Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Another World Environment Day just passed. As has always happened, this time too, many organisations held programmes to espouse the cause of environment. Paintings competitions, lectures, tree plantations and cloth bag distribution happened in these events. But I cannot help but question the utility of it all. Not just the need of […]Read More

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