Team L&M Fashion and styling is all about expressing your inner self, your persona and your identity. For some people, fashion and clothing is just about comfort and utility but for others, what they wear matters a lot. Nowadays, we are quite inspired by the Western culture and fashion trends. Celebrities and fashion bloggers are […]Read More
Book The Sellout Nation: A Tryst with Globalisation Author Vikram Bhatti Pages 228 Publisher Price Rs 290 Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Why I picked up The Sellout Nation …a Tryst with Globalisation is because I was thoroughly exhausted of the number of chick lit romances I was deluged with. I wanted something different, and […]Read More
Book: Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and The Unexpected Solutions Author: Johann Hari Publisher Bloomsbury Price Rs 469 Dr Avni S. Tiwari Lost Connections – Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression and the Unexpected Solutions is a very engrossing read. It starts with a story about being diagnosed with depression and […]Read More
There are some artistes who mesmerise on stage through their performance and then there are dancers who play the role of the opposite sex with such ease that it leaves the audience speechless. I am talking about one such superbly talented artiste who portrays both purusha vesham (male form) and stree vesham (female form) with […]Read More
Book The Essence of Medical Device Innovation Author B Ravi Pages 200 Publisher The Write Place Price Rs 295 First glance at The Essence of Medical Device Innovation and the thought strikes you: “Oh! It is one of those drab medical books. Who is going to review this?” Just as the plan to pass it […]Read More
Team L&M Book Imaging for Otolaryngologists Author Erwin A Dunnebier in collaboration with Erik Beek and Frank Pameijer Publisher Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Pvt Ltd Pages 356 Price Rs 1,686 for paperback edition Available on For those of you who are unaware who an otolaryngologist is, here’s the definition: An otolaryngologist is a physician […]Read More
Team L&M The Department of Chemistry of Gargi College under Delhi University in association with Jiva Ayurveda has introduced an add-on course, Ayurveda and Yoga – The Science of Well-being, for its students. The six months’ course will introduce students to several principles of Ayurveda and Yoga. Ayurveda and Yoga – The Science of Well-being […]Read More
Sadhguru In a small town, there was an old house which was reputed to be the residence of a demon. Nobody even dared to enter the house. One day, a brave man announced that he is going to spend a whole night in this house. In the evening, he went into the house to stay […]Read More
Small-hold farmers, at large, are a neglected community in India as farming remains an unreliable sector. Especially so in today’s world where farmers have to battle climate change in the face of depleting natural resources. The agricultural sector needs technology disruption to boost productivity and adopt climate resilient farming for a sustainable tomorrow. Given the […]Read More
साल 2009.. लगातार हर बार पति के साथ प्रेम के जिस्मानी उन्माद के बाद कितने ही दिन परेशां रहती थी, पेट दर्द, श्वेत प्रदर,दुर्गन्ध और गीलेपन से.. गोलियां रख परेशां, दवा बेअसर…. कहीं जाना हो तो लाइनर्स यूज़ करो… उफ्फ कोफ्त होती है याद कर के। यह बार बार का यूरीन इंफेक्शन भी पति के […]Read More