Rajkumari Sharma Tankha In his latest show, Colours Unlimited: The Bus Art of Tamil Nadu, Gurugram-based writer-filmmaker-photographer Vjay S Jodha celebrates the bus art of Tamil Nadu. The show, albeit an online one, was thrown open to public on November 1, which marked the 60th anniversary of the creation of the state. The photographs, clicked […]Read More
Team L&M Sundaram Verma, a native of Danta (Ramgarh), a village in the Sikar district of Rajasthan, is one of the Padma Shri awardees this year. Verma, a grassroots innovator is known for growing not one or two but as many as 50,000 trees in the arid Shekhawati region of Rajasthan using a technique of […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha A graduate in computer application, Astha Bhatnagar did a diploma in Applied Arts & Multimedia because of the sheer love she had for art, crafts and painting. But the learning in art that she did more than two decades back came handy last year when she was pondering over how to help […]Read More
Team L&M A new study from global public health organization, Vital Strategies, has found that the tobacco industry is using Facebook to facilitate bidi sales, skirting India’s COTPA regulations designed to protect youth and consumers from harmful marketing. The report, Selling Death on Social Media: How Bidis Are Reaching Consumers Online details digital media monitoring […]Read More
Team L&M To promote new and emerging independent artists, Koinage Records launched a new music label, Selekt by Koinage with its first song Humse Khafa by Suzonn. Humse Khafa is a beautiful rendition that takes you through the ups and downs of a relationship and separation from your beloved. Just like Suzonn, the label will […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha RED FM recently collaborated with The Bhoomi Project, a musical movement featuring some of India’s finest artists across genres that reflects upon the tradition and culture of India. The radio channel will broadcast these songs for two hours every Saturday under its segment Red Indies segment. Through its compilation of 10 songs, […]Read More
Team L&M Throughout his life, Shankaracharya propounded a monistic view of spirituality. Though he wrote numerous treatises, many of which have been considered the bedrock of Hinduism, the contribution he made towards propagating an Advaitic philosophy that suggested a unified universal view of Vedanta, is particularly significant. The Kerala-born philosopher saint widely travelled across India. […]Read More
Sanskriti Mahotsav – a Kathak festival that celebrates different gharanas
Kathak is one Indian classical dance form that has captivated the minds and hearts of people all over the world. It is today a part of almost all Indian dance festivals and several international dance platforms as well. There are a handful of artists who have dedicated their entire life to take the legacy of […]Read More
Team L&M Greater Noida based artist Manoj Kachangal has become the proud recipient of the Bharatiya Kala Ratna Award 2021. The award was bestowed upon him by Pune-based Global Scholar Foundation at a function held at Novotel Goa Candolim Hotel in Goa. Kachangal, 42, was selected for this award for his exceptional work during the […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha onsidered to be the Father of Holistic Medicine, Dr (Prof) RK Tuli established the world’s first-ever department of its kind in year1995 at the multi-speciality tertiary care Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals. He is, also, the founder of Society For Holistic Advancement of Medicine SOHAM, which is dedicated to the promotion of positive health […]Read More