Team L&M Jjust Music, India’s leading music label, led by Jackky Bhagnani, has released a new song for this wedding season called Le Jaana, sung by pop singer Lekka. The upbeat and catchy dance number features Lekka and is Directed & Choreographed by Mudassar Khan and composed by Lijo George and DJ Chetas. The lyrics […]Read More
Upasana Kaura With your child appearing for Board exams, what is your role as a parent? We share some tips wherein you can keep your peace, for your peace and calm will percolate to your children, as will stress. The first thing to do as a parent is to be there for your child at […]Read More
Dr Himani Narula is a Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician who has been taking care of pediatric patients from newborn to 18+. She believes that partnering with parents and other professionals can help promote successful, resilient kids and inclusive attitudes in schools and communities. While working for children with special care needs and their families, she […]Read More
Team L&M The nutraceutical industry encompasses three main segments which include functional foods, dietary supplements, and herbal/natural products. This was stated by G Kamala Vardhana Rao, IAS, Chief Executive Officer, FSSAI, Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, at the 8th Nutraceuticals Symposium & Awards Quality, Standardization, Regularization organised by ASSOCHAM. “This is for the […]Read More
Team L&M Expanding its presence, JUSTDOGS, India’s leading omni-channel pet care retailer and service provider, has a set up a new store in Patna. Located Kumhrar, this marks the brand’s third store in Bihar, and its 46th in India. The store was inaugurated by renowned Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpayee and Akash Karan, the franchise owner […]Read More
This was a term coined in the 1980s and much in vogue. It was meant to describe those who had interest in cultural activities, viz. organisers, sponsors, patrons or performers. I even had a column going by the same title, in a popular Delhi city magazine called First City, run by a debonair Bharat Kapoor. […]Read More
Team L&M With an aim to build immersive musical experiences, Kingfisher Ultra has come up with Ultra Soulflyp, a new music event series. “We are thrilled to announce this music series and we are confident that it will be a new milestone in our journey. Music has always been a passion point for the youth […]Read More
Benoy K Behl The Himalayas have been a great crucible of India’s ancient culture. Here, protected by the tallest mountains in the world, deep philosophic thoughts and artistic ideas have come down through the centuries. From the 11th century onwards in India, there was a great revival of Vaishnavism. With it came the Bhakti cult […]Read More
Team L&M Health and wellness brand, House of Veda has launched organic cold-pressed oils that are rich in natural antioxidants to promote bodily health, and organic pulses. House of Veda’s Organic Cold pressed oils come in four variants – Organic Groundnut Oil is extracted from high-quality organic groundnuts of Gujarat with cold pressed technique. Organic […]Read More
Shankey Bhardwaj Modern language generation technology, ChatGPT from OpenAI, was developed using a sizable corpus of text data. It is helpful for many applications, including conversational AI systems and content production, because it can produce high-quality, context-aware, and human-like text responses in real-time. Like other machine learning models, ChatGPT has advantages and disadvantages that should […]Read More