PK Asokan with Vani Vashishth It was in 1983 that the first Sanskrit language movie, Adi Shankaracharya was made by GV Iyer. And now three-and-a-half decades later, the country has churned out the world’s first Sanskrit 3D movie, Anurakthi. Based on the traditional art form of Koodiyattam, the movie was screened at the 48th International […]Read More
Team L&M She heads one of the largest online chat shows in the career and education space, with special focus on education. In a conversation with, Chetna Vasishth talks about setting up ChetChat two years ago as a pro bono initiative with the goal of helping youth take the most informed career choices as […]Read More
Team L&M Everything that glitters is not gold but can be crystal! Blending creativity and excellent craftsmanship, Horra’s Reina Watches give you a touch of class and a dash of glamour under one realm. Horra’s Reina Watches adds an extra glow to the whole ensemble and all the elements to raise your style quotient. Stainless steel personifies strength and […]Read More
Upasana Sharma Kaura BBC and Google have used it in their offices. Oprah Winfrey promoted it on her show. Aamir Khan loved it on Satyamev Jayate. Mira Nair filmed a documentary, The Laughing Club of India, on it… One does not need celebs being mentioned on invites to attend events, especially when it happens to […]Read More
Sheela Seharawat The gift of life is awarded only once and to make it worth it is important that we – Live Every Moment, Laugh Every Day and Love Unconditionally Everyone. Love and laugh are the two most invaluable possessions that mankind has been gifted with and has the abilities to control human mind and […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha A Man with Golden Seeds – Dr Narayan Bhai Chawda Author: Rajeev Ranjan Prasad Publisher: Yash Publications PP: 268 , Rs 250 Have you ever wondered why we don’t get to see biographies of farmers, despite India being an agricultural country wherein farmers should get much respect and prominence. Isn’t it disheartening? […]Read More
Team L&M Now this one comes as a big, big surprise for it is something that doesn’t happen every day. As kids we have heard and read too that lightning never strikes the same place twice. But the freaky weather condition that enveloped the country a couple of days back witnessed several coastal districts of […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha You know that brain is a master organ. Physical body does what brain tells it to do but do you know there is a medical condition wherein the physical body just cannot listen to the brain? The nervous system and brain do not communicate well with each other and the effect can […]Read More
Team L&M It was an amalgamation of fashion, design and art at the launch of Classic Furniture, a luxury furniture store in Ghitorni, New Delhi. Exporting for over 25 years to leading luxury brands in the US and the UK, Classic Furniture’s two labels – Classic Moments and Mango Tree have made their entry into the […]Read More
Team L&M We have just crossed the 20th annual World Asthma Day, an event held each May to raise awareness of Asthma worldwide. World Asthma Day is organised by the Global Initiative for Asthma, or GINA (, a World Health Organisation collaborative and 501(c)3 organisation founded in 1993. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates, […]Read More