Saurabh Tankha Considered among the most talented rappers in the country and a pioneer in the rap scene in India, Delhi-NCR-based rapper KR$NA is now featuring in Zoya Akhtar directed Gully Boy which is all set for release tomorrow. We had a chat with the young rapper… How did you land up with the song in Gully Boy? I […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Ramayana is the saga of Lord Rama’s life. It is one of the greatest Indian epics offering not just lessons on statecraft and administration that transcend time and space but also on life and relationships. These are as relevant today as they were back then. My naani (maternal grandmother) often turned to […]Read More
All of us want to look good, no matter what the season. Coping with the skin is a daily affair, needing an awareness of its needs and a little knowledge about the kind of treatment it deserves to look best. During winter months, the skin is influenced by lack of humidity in the air. Extreme […]Read More
There are some people who we meet and they make a place in our hearts forever. Their personality has magnetism that pulls and bonds us with them for life. Today, let us meet one such person who I met over 15 years back during a film shoot and she remains one of my most favourite […]Read More
Team L&M To propose sustainable solution for effective waste disposal and recovery of resources and to manage and process large quantity of waste in the National Capital, an aerobic composter, a bio-methanation plant and an effluent treatment plant was recently started by the South Delhi civic body in Punjabi Bagh. Yasasu EMS, a product line […]Read More
Team L&M The good old days of community living, totally absent today, makes her deeply nostalgic. An utter absence of colourful and unique indigenous architecture bothers her no end. And because she couldn’t do anything about creating old architecture, artist Kavita Chopra Dikshit did the next best thing she could — create artworks that depict […]Read More
Dr Amrita Vohra In today’s academic scenario, creative arts have all but entirely disappeared from the Indian education system. There was a time when creative classes were compulsory for students and were given their due importance by parents, teachers and kids. However, the current mounting academic pressure, coupled with the insurmountable curriculum goals, has completely […]Read More
Author-teacher Reshma K Barshikar on her latest creative venture, her life, why is it important to write fiction for young adults and while at it, she makes a few honest confessions… On my book, The Hidden Children The Hidden Children is about a girl who wants to speak to a butterfly, and how far she […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha Novelist-academician-literary critic Saikat Majumdar recently came out with his latest work, The Scent Of God. Born in Kolkata and educated in India and the US, Majumdar, after teaching stints in the US and Canada, is now a professor of creative writing and English at Ashoka University. We spoke to Majumdar about The Scent […]Read More
Benoy K Behl Most people are not aware that at least a score of Hindu deities are very actively worshiped in Japan. In fact, there are hundreds of shrines to Saraswati alone. There are innumerable representations of Lakshmi, Indra, Brahma, Ganesha, Garuda and other deities. In fact, deities we have practically forgotten in India, such […]Read More