Pravin Bera Sunscreen is an essential part of any skincare routine, especially for those with oily skin. However, finding the right sunscreen and applying it properly can be a challenge. Today, we will provide you with some valuable tips on how to apply sunscreen on oily skin, so you can stay protected from the sun’s […]Read More
Tags : sunscreen
Team L&MÂ Wearing sunscreen every day is a crucial part of your skincare routine. Sunscreen may not be noticeable at first, but it will pay off long-term. Summer means it is time to run to the store to purchase sunscreen lotion. Sunscreens are the need of all hours and should be worn in every weather […]Read More
Dr Akber Aimer The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a drastic change in our lifestyle. The world has been staying indoors for the past one-and-a-half months and it has led to increased discussions about the importance of mental wellbeing and self-care. People have been investing more time in taking care of themselves and skincare is one […]Read More
Rajkumari Sharma Tankha Do you often have muscle aches and pain, and your knees hurt frequently? Does even a slight weight on your chest hurts? If you are facing any of these conditions, it’s time to get out and soak in some sunlight. For, these symptoms show that you are suffering from vitamin D deficiency. […]Read More