Dr Sabia Mangat Do you know one in seven couples are unable to conceive even after frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a period of one year or longer. In up to half of these couples, male factor is the cause. Today we need to understand that not just female fertility but male fertility plays a crucial […]Read More
Tags : Milann Fertility Center
Dr Sunitha Mahesh Is infertility a disease? In contrast to other diseases, there is no linear progression of this condition and there is no discrimination based on demographic or cultural differences. There are many potential causes that impact men and women and results in infertility. On an average, ⅛ of the population can be affected […]Read More
Dr Varini N, Sr. Consultant A C-section is a determined decision for a reason during delivery. It is usually taken when a woman cannot deliver or have complications in delivering a baby through vagina. The decision to do a C-section is made before the delivery or during the last moment of the delivery, if the […]Read More
Dr Mohammed Ashraf C Infertility is becoming quite a common issue giving rise to Assisted Reproductive technology (ART). Well, though IVF (in vitro fertilization) is one of the most popular ART because of its success rate, does defective sperm DNA have an impact on the IVF procedure? Yes, it can raise pregnancy complications or the […]Read More
Dr Sowparnika S N PCOS diagnoses have surged among younger individuals, yet awareness remains low despite its prevalence as the most common female endocrine disorder and a leading cause of infertility. Affecting 6-26 per cent of women globally and 3.7-22.5 per cent in India, PCOS is characterised by chronic anovulation, irregular periods, hirsutism, and […]Read More