Team L&M Juggernaut has partnered with Hubhopper to create India’s first celebrity audio show for kids where actor Soha Ali Khan will read eight handpicked stories written by Indian authors. The stories are from Juggernaut Books, HarperCollins, Scholastic, Hachette, Rupa Publications, Pratham Books and Karadi Tales. The idea is to encourage the habit of reading […]Read More
Tags : book
Saurabh Tankha It was during a session with his spiritual guru who was explaining the philosophy of Sattva Rajas Tamas and their presence in every human in differing proportions to him that the idea seemed to take root. The first draft — a story of the battle for truth and dharma, for meritocracy over entitlement and avarice — of […]Read More
From online trolling, food and substance abuse to crash-dieting and the perils of being a social media influencer, Nielson’s Bestseller Adulting (HarperCollins India) by NEHARIKA GUPTA spells out the world of the new millennials. In this entertaining new novel, crash-dieting, confidence no-brainers and creative dating form part of the story’s narrative. The author’s flawed but lovable […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha Author Shreyas Bhave recently released the third and final volume of his epic trilogy Nemesis of Kalinga: The Asoka Trilogy based on ancient text, folklores and rock edicts from the iron age of India. Bhave retells the story of one of the most important figures of our national history and his dynasty whose symbol flies proudly on […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha Over decades, we have seen them scribbling prescriptions in illegible handwriting. So when the two authors of Dear People, With Love and Care, Your Doctors (Bloomsbury India), Dr Debraj Shome and Dr Aparna Govil Bhasker, expressed themselves in as many words as they did for this interview with, it could only lead us […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha Over decades, we have seen them scribbling prescriptions in illegible handwriting. So when the two authors of Dear People, With Love and Care, Your Doctors (Bloomsbury India), Dr Debraj Shome and Dr Aparna Govil Bhasker, expressed themselves in as many words as they did for this interview with, it could only lead us […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha History would have been written differently if she wouldn’t have been there. The firstborn of King Drupada, she was trained to be a warrior from early childhood. A Rathi, and then an Athirathi, a warrior of unmatched valour and skill, the princess of Panchal singlehandedly defeated the hundred Kaurava brothers in a battle. Though centuries […]Read More
Nothing Ventured: Book #1 of William Warwick Series by Jeffrey Archer PAN ǀ Rs 399 Nothing Ventured is an incredible and thrilling novel by master storyteller and bestselling author of the Clifton Chronicles and Kane and Abel, Jeffrey Archer. This is not a detective story, this is a story about the making of a detective… William Warwick has […]Read More
Saurabh Tankha South Africa-based author and poet Sarita Mathur in her inspiring book, Once Again Love: Reconnecting With The Heart, introduces readers to the joy of a life filled with love. Through its unique combination of poetry and prose, the book launches readers to the metaphysical aspects of life through instances of both science and […]Read More
Team L&M To help youngsters understand how to study, prepare for exams and manage stress during the exam time, the Department of Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences, Fortis Healthcare under the aegis of the Fortis School Mental Health Program, has launched the first book on Study and Exam Skills, as part of the comic series […]Read More