Tags : book review


Crime and no punishment

Saurabh Tankha I’ve always had this special place for crime thrillers, both in my heart and in my library. From The Frozen Dead (Bernard Minier) to Thirteen Hours (Deon Meyer) to Hypothermia (Aranldur Indridason) and The Vault (Ruth Rendell) to Critical Mass (Sara Paretsky) to Before I Go To Sleep (SJ Watson), these releases over […]Read More


Not just entertaining but educative too

Saurabh Tankha Trisha Das’ Kama’s Last Sutra (Harper Collins, Rs 299, Pages 299) is a feminist fantasy novel that travels across time, foregrounds women’s sexual agency, challenges gender roles, sexual taboos and caste divisions. Protagonist Tara Singh, an archaeologist, is on an excavation project in the ruins near Khajuraho, hoping to unearth a new temple […]Read More

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