Pride, Co-measurement and Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit

 Pride, Co-measurement and Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Jaspal Soni

“Beloved ones, you must know that your pride must regularly be tested to see whether it is still there! You must know whether you retain personal pride by how you react to remarks that you consider to be disrespectful or challenging or demeaning.

“—- Understand, beloved, that it is important that you have a sense of co-measurement of what the Great White Brotherhood is truly all about and what all these things are about, these ins and outs of fussing about this and fussing about that because you simply do not like the way you are being treated. I counsel you on this because pride will surely put great distance between you and myself, for the Holy Spirit will not dispense its gifts* to those who yet have pride.

“For how much more proud shall they become when they have spiritual gifts? And thus, one cannot even calculate how high individuals think they have come when they think they have spiritual gifts (which they do not have) and therefore consider that they are mighty above all others and look down upon them.

“I am grateful that there is less of a demonstration of that human pride here than there is in other circles where individuals do not have the calls to Astrea (Divine Mother), the dweller (synthetic self), call or the violet flame.** But I tell you, beloved, [pride] is the source of the fall that comes. And I say, you have known the expression that ‘pride goeth before the fall.’ See that you do not fall and then remember and realize that it was your pride that tripped you.

“Thus, you are here; we are here. My message to you is: Let us make the most of it! We are in this together. We will give you our very best.

“I ask you, will you give us your very best? [Audience responds: “Yes!”]

“That is all we ask, beloved. That is all we ask [you]—to give your very best and then receive the reward again and again of our best. We cannot ask of you more, but we ask you this.

“So, beloved, I bow before you. I bow before the light within you. And I look forward to increasing that fire as you come to understand what it truly means to be in a community founded by the adepts, to be in a community where we are present and move among you. I think if you give some greater consideration to the readings and the history of the initiates of past ages and what they went through to attain, you will gain a new sense of co-measurement of your own place on the Path.

“I tell you, we have profound respect for your being when considering that being from where you stand, all the way back to the Great Central Sun. For the potential for your Godhood is there, and most of you have some portion of that Godhood that you function with daily. That portion that you have seized, that you have made your own, that you have turned to your own self-mastery—that is the lodestone of your being.

“—– I am the Maha Chohan. We draw nigh, very close to you. Therefore, as I have said, make the most of it!”

Source: Beloved Maha Chahan, Pearls of Wisdom®, January 2, 2005, Vol. 48, Nos. 1 and 2, Conquer Pride and Receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Summit Publications, Inc. Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.

*The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are: the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, healing, the working of miracles, prophecy, the discerning of spirits, diverse kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues.

** A simple Violet Flame Mantra: I AM a being of Violet Fire, I AM the Purity God Desires!

Copyright © 2020 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.

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