Search Results for: benoy k behl

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Maya, the first deity

Benoy K Behl In Indic thought, the final truth which is sought is formless, arupa or nirguna. According to the Chitrasutra, for seeing the eternal, eyes are to be closed in meditation. Thus, in the heart of the sacred space, is made a symbol of that which is beyond the forms of the world around us, the stupa or the […]Read More


Leaving behind the transitory world

Benoy K Behl In ancient Buddhist temples, Jaina and Ajivika edifices, the simplest form, the stupa, was placed in the heart of the sacred space. In Hindu temples, it was the linga, or symbol, the mark of the formless eternal (nirguna) that was made in the sanctum sanctorum. These took us closest to the truth […]Read More


Ascent to the final truth

Benoy K Behl The great Borobudur stupa of the 8th-9th century CE in Indonesia clearly illustrates the purpose of the stupa in Buddhist thought. The vast stupa has exquisite relief made around it, which one sees as one goes around the stupa. At the lowest level of circumambulation, we are presented the kamadhatu, the life of passions […]Read More


Liberation from attachments

Benoy K Behl Stupas are amongst the earliest Indian monuments which survive both of the Buddhist and Jaina traditions. Recent excavations near Nalanda have also unearthed a large stupa made between the 8th and the 10th centuries BCE. In Indic thought, the final truth which is sought is formless, arupa or nirguna. The concept of the stupa (of Buddhist, […]Read More


The web of ‘Samsara’

Benoy K Behl It was the beginning of the First Millennium BCE. There were many principalities of the northern plains of India. Some of them were Gana-Sanghas, with an elected council that ruled. In others, the concept of hereditary leaders was evolving. It was a time when great philosophic concepts, which were to last forever, […]Read More


Adoration of deities

Benoy K Behl The word “Puja” has sometimes been misinterpreted, by European writers, as “prayer”. Others have understood it correctly to mean “adoration”. Indic deities are adored, with incense, water, milk, flowers and through music and dance. The purpose of the philosophic path is for us to be able to see the truth beyond. To […]Read More


The spirit within

Benoy K Behl In ancient times, works of art were meant to convey the Truth as experienced by the artist. No thinker or artist claimed that it was solely he who had seen the Truth. In fact, great teachers of the ancient period in India, including Gautama Buddha and Mahavira, each state that he only […]Read More

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