Team L&M Union Minister of Ayush Sarbanand Sonowal launched the ‘Y-Break’ mobile application, developed by the Ministry of Ayush, at Vigyan Bhawan yesterday. The five-minute yoga protocol has been especially designed for working professionals to de-stress, refresh and re-focus at their workplace to increase their productivity. It consists of Asanas, Pranayam and Dhyana. Listing the […]Read More
Team L&M Indian scientists have developed a composite paper made of carbon (graphene oxide) loaded with preservatives that can be used as wrappers to help extend shelf life of fruits. Unlike the present preservative dipping technology, where the preservatives are adsorbed by the fruit, causing chronic toxicity to the consumers; here preservatives the wrapper releases […]Read More
Team L&M With an aim to strengthen co-innovation between healthcare startups and industry members and accelerate the process of establishing an accessible and technologically advanced healthcare infrastructure, NATHEALTH-Healthcare Federation of India, in collaboration with TiE Mumbai, and with IQVIA as knowledge partner, launched its initiative Reimagining Healthcare: Industry-Startup Interface Series. The initiative will serve as […]Read More
Team L&M Leading cognitive psychologists Dr Jagannath Prasad Das has launched a unique IQ test called the Brain-Based Intelligence Test (BBIT), that he has specifically made for Indian population. The IQ test is born out of thorough research and greater vision by a team of eminent psychologists from Hyderabad led by Dr Das. Renowned […]Read More
The 2021 Royal Enfield Himalayan now comes with many practical and comfort-based upgrades, but does this justify the price hike? We find out It’s been five years since the Himalayan made its debut, but in that time Royal Enfield has been improving this adventure bike by first upgrading the fuel supply from carburetor to fuel […]Read More
Team L&M In countries like India, getting internet access to remote locations is a challenge as laying fibre is very expensive. There is a requirement for wireless backhaul products at low cost, high data capacity along with wide reach. At present, wireless backhaul products neither provide sufficient data speed nor the range required. Also, they […]Read More
The 2021 Maruti Suzuki Swift gets a more powerful and refined engine, but is this upgrade enough for it to reclaim the crown? We find out… Ever since Maruti Suzuki launched the Swift in 2005, it broke the hatchback segment’s utilitarian image and also added a sporty flair that this class seriously lacked. Since […]Read More
Shreya Kaura We all know that our smart phones emit harmful radiations which, in turn, leads to stress and related symptoms. People use phones not just for making calls but for online gaming, listening to music, reading books, browsing, chatting and messaging. This means a large portion of our waking time is spent with smart […]Read More
Shreya Kaura HealthCube This is a point-of-care technology enabled diagnostics service provider. It offers medically balanced, technologically sophisticated, handy and portable diagnosis system, similar to a set-top box that can be used easily anywhere by anyone with minimal training. It provides accurate results for reliable patient screening, and can conduct 30-plus tests across various parameters like vitals, biochemistry, […]Read More
Team L&M Known for her social work and commitment towards women empowerment, well-known Hindi author Sudha Arora has been writing on the country’s largest digital literature platform, Pratilipi for almost six years now. “In 2014, someone from the Pratilipi team reached out to me and introduced this idea. I tried out the platform with some […]Read More