Over the last five parts of the 12-part series on the story of Buddhism, art historian and producer-director BENOY K BEHL has got us closer to the Buddhist sites of India, Gautam Siddharth’s escape from material world, the world of early rock-cut caves of western India, the early images of Buddha and the Buddhist heritage […]Read More
Pradipta N Biswas, General Manager, The Grand says Covid-19 has wiped out a major chunk of hospitality business globally and there is no clear horizon on when things will reboot The pandemic hit the industries in ways that have been unprecedented and unexpected. Being a hotelier, I have been exposed to unusual circumstances – but this […]Read More
In these challenging and difficult times of Covid-19, veteran artist UMA BARDHAN feels artists, through their artworks and creativity, should help everyone join hands as well as help everyone forget all their differences to face this unprecedented challenge. Not this alone, they should be a source of inspiration for everyone, she says. “This pandemic has […]Read More
The Buddhist sites of India, Gautam Siddharth’s escape from material world, the world of early rock-cut caves of western India and the early images of Buddha. In the last four parts of this 12-part series on the story of Buddhism, art historian and producer-director BENOY K BEHL has told us about all this. Today, he […]Read More
Yogurt or curd is very popular in India and is easily found in most homes. It has more benefits than we may be aware of. It is a milk product and is made by a natural process. The lactose in milk is converted into lactic acid. With fermentation, the milk becomes yogurt, or curd. As […]Read More
Over the last three parts of this 12-part series on the story of Buddhism, we have come to know about the Buddhist sites of India, Gautam Siddharth’s escape from material world and the world of early rock-cut caves of western India. Find out where does art historian and producer-director BENOY K BEHL takes us today.. […]Read More
The heat is upon us, and you don’t need to be told that there are humid days ahead. So be ready as summer problems can strike at any time, turning an uncomfortable experience into a disagreeable one. As a dancer you should stay safe as summer is the time when most shows and events happen. […]Read More
Team L&M To expand the ambit of the ongoing efforts to tackle the crisis triggered by Covid-19 aka Coronavirus pandemic, the Government of India’s citizen engagement platform, MyGovIndia, has launched an official profile on Likee app. To ensure real-time dissemination of official information, a profile ‘MyGovIndia’ has been launched on the short video platform, which […]Read More
In the first two parts of the 12-part series on the story of Buddhism, art historian and producer-director BENOY K BEHL took us to all the Buddhist sites of India and Gautam Siddharth’s final escape from the illusions of the material world. Today, let us see where he takes us… The second century BCE ushered […]Read More
Today is World Thalassemia Day World Thalassemia Day is celebrated on May 8 every year to commemorate thalassemia victims and encourage the ones who struggle to live with the disease. An inherited blood disorder, thalassemia causes the body to have less haemoglobin than normal. Haemoglobin enables the red blood cells to carry oxygen. Thalassemia can also […]Read More