Dr Jayna Gandhi In general, dental health includes oral hygiene maintenance, regular dental check-ups and treatment of oral diseases. But we intend to ignore the importance of diet and its impact on oral health. The mouth consists of teeth, gums, inner parts of cheeks, tongue which is bathed with the flow of saliva. Regular brushing […]Read More
Dr Vishaj S Maru Obesity is not because it runs in the family!! It happens because no one runs in the family!! The term obesity describes a person who is overweight, with a lot of body weight. And being overweight is linked to a number of health and oral health diseases including high blood pressure, […]Read More
Team L&M Fortis Healthcare has partnered with TikTok and People Like Us Create (PLUC) to launch #UnmuteYourself, an online movement against silence and stigma attached to the mental health. As part of this initiative, Fortis Healthcare and PLUC will be conducting an interactive workshop with school and college undergraduate students to sensitise them about the importance of mental health […]Read More
Team L&M The stigma associated with mental health tends to become a major obstacle in the way of identification and management of mental illnesses, more so in the case of suicide prevention. Given the extent of stigmatisation of mental health in our country, it is common for the suicidal individual to be blamed for a […]Read More
Dr Samir Parikh With the growing recognition of suicides being a major area of concern, especially for the youth and adolescents, it is becoming increasingly important for all of us to assume the responsibility to help work towards ensuring adequate measures for the identification, reporting, assessment, as well as intervention of such incidents. But most […]Read More
Dr Samir Parikh The word ‘suicide’ is more often than not shrouded by stigma and misconceptions, which further increases the hesitation in talking about it. In fact, at times simply hearing the mention of the word could end up evoking many powerful images, emotions and even judgments in our minds. Therefore, it becomes important to […]Read More
Dr Samir Parikh Be it within the Indian context or not, it is an undeniable fact that the prevalence of suicides is a significant area of concern globally. However, if we are to take a glance at the statistics in India specifically, according to the World Health Organisation, the age standardised suicide rate in India […]Read More
Dr Samir Parikh LISTEN Yes, it can be distressing to hear someone feeling suicidal, and our instinct might be to feel like doing something for him or her. But the most valuable step would be to be a good listener. It is important to be able to stay calm, and keep your worries aside, instead […]Read More
Dr Samir Parikh Teenage years, or adolescence in itself has been identified as a crucial period, considering the rapid changes as a part of the developmental phases itself, coupled with dealing with the transition from childhood into the next developmental phase of life, bringing with it inherent anxieties, and confusions regarding the formation of identities, […]Read More
Team L&M The burden of cardiovascular diseases is increasing in India, and systematic understanding of its causes is a huge topic for the ongoing research. It is well-known that high blood pressure, tobacco consumption and diabetes are the usual triggers for heart trouble. But there is a silent killer that is hardly known to anyone […]Read More