Team L&M To protect its customers and captains (driver partners), taxi platform Rapido has announced two new measures to build on its existing set of protocols for further care. This is the organisation’s latest step in its effort to strengthen the safety measures against the pandemic. Rapido has collaborated with StepOne, a group of volunteer […]Read More
Team L&M Psychology is the study of people’s brains and behaviour. It encircles biological influences, ecological variables and societal pressures that influence how humans think, behave and feel. Psychology helps gaining a deeper and richer comprehension of individuals attain insights in their own activities as well as a much better understanding of different humans. Psychological […]Read More
Team L&M To create awareness and to ensure that there is no laxity in efforts, Rotary District 3011 and all their clubs and communities came together to organise a Rotary Cycle Rally on World Polio Day (October 24) to support the fight to end polio forever. The last polio case was recorded in India on […]Read More
Team L&M Did you know that as many as 28 youngsters commit suicide in our country each day? Realising the need for a dedicated service to help tackle the menace of depression led to the inception of the country’s largest virtual listening platform, Eat Luv N Pray Foundation. It aims to be a one-stop destination […]Read More
Team L&M Even as researchers are working 24×7 to create a vaccine to prevent the increasing cases of COVID-19 globally, the big question that comes to one’s mind is as to when will it take? And by when will we have access to the COVID-19 vaccine? These were some of the questions discussed during Episode-9 […]Read More
World-renowned energy healer and internationally recognised humanitarian, philosopher, teacher and inventor PATRICK SAN FRANCESCO began healing at four in his hometown, Bangalore. Initially, the healing consisted of demanding that God should “take care” of those around him who were ailing. In hindsight, Patrick attributes this to his childlike innocence that invested a complete and […]Read More
Team L&M As Mumbai struggles to restart its economy, the taxi drivers in the city have now decided to become COVID warriors by spreading awareness of safety measures to help in controlling the virus spread in the city. The Maharashtra Vahatuk Sena, taxi drivers’ union, has started an initiative wherein they have put up banners […]Read More
Team L&M The sex workers community has been the one of the worst hit sections of society due to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. All sources of income have been blocked and most are unable to access support being provided by the government, due to lack of formal documentation and identification. To help […]Read More
KAVITA DEVGAN How many times have you been told don’t eat this and to avoid calorie packing? How many times has weight loss advice to you failed to move ahead? Loads we are sure! This is why we decided to educate you otherwise and tell you about 5 easy and doable foods and food habits […]Read More
Team L&M Living an unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, obesity, a lack of sleep and exercise are some of the leading reasons for cardiovascular diseases. Having a healthy heart is most vital as our very life depends on it. Exerting yourself under too much stress and anxiety can also cause complications leading to serious heart conditions. Most […]Read More